
 2022-12-01 11:08:54


摘 要





Research on the Relationship between Financial Indicators and Tax Risks


From the day of China's reform and opening up, China's taxation system has been constantly developing, innovating, and improving. Through the continuous joint efforts of the Chinese people and the Chinese government, China's taxation system is constantly changing and constantly adapting to China's new national conditions. China's current tax categories have been continuously streamlined, from the original 37 streamlined to the current 18, and the structure of the tax system is getting closer, which is not only conducive to protecting the state's financial needs, but also promoting the efficient operation of the economy. When discussing the development of the enterprise, taxation has been mentioned from the original worthlessness to the current importance. From the micro perspective, the tax situation of an enterprise will affect its own business situation and sustainable development ability; from the macro perspective, the tax situation of many enterprises in a country will affect the level of national finance, thus playing an important role in economic development and national construction. In this paper, I want to start from the financial indicators and tax risks, and make a preliminary study and Discussion on the relationship between the financial indicators and tax risks.

The purpose of this article is to start from the two aspects of financial indicators and tax risk, and conduct a preliminary study and discussion on the relationship between corporate financial indicators and tax risk. Investigate the relationship between the two through a deep understanding of tax risk and combining it with financial indicators, observing and exploring the relationship between the two, and further practical analysis. The research of the relationship between the two is mainly reflected through the calculating and analyzing of some financial indicators, which are related to tax risk.

After analysis and research, it can be concluded that: Tax risk and financial indicators are closely linked, and the joint effect of the two will also affect the overall development of the enterprise.

Key words: Tax risk; Financial indicators; Enterprise development

目 录

摘 要 I

Abstract II

第一章 绪 论 1

1.1 研究背景 1

1.2 研究目的及意义 1

1.3 研究内容及思路 1

1.4 论文框架 1

第二章 财务指标与税务风险关系研究文献综述 2

第三章 税务风险概述 5

3.1 税务风险的定义 5

3.2 税务风险的特点 5

3.2.1 主观性 5

3.2.2 必然性 5

3.2.3 从属性 5

3.2.4 累积性 6

3.3 税务风险的产生原因 6

3.3.1 外因分析 6

3.3.2 内因分析 6

第四章 企业税务风险分析常用财务指标 8

4.1收支类财务指标 8

4.1.1 单独指标分析之营业总收入变动率 8

4.1.2 单独指标分析之营业总成本变动率 8

4.1.3 单独指标分析之三项费用变动率 8

4.1.4 单独指标分析之销售费用、管理费用、财务费用变动率 8

4.1.5 配比指标分析之成本费用率 8

4.1.6 配比指标分析之成本利润率 9

4.1.7 配比指标分析之营业总收入变动率与营业利润变动率比较分析 9

4.1.8 配比指标分析之营业总收入变动率与营业总成本变动率比较分析 9

4.2 资产类指标 10

4.2.1 应收账款周转率 10

4.2.2 存货周转率 10

4.2.3 固定资产折旧率 10

第五章 财务指标与税务风险关系研究实务分析 11

5.1 收支实务分析 11

5.1.1 实务背景 11

5.1.2 实务指标分析 11

5.2 资产实务分析 13

5.2.1 实务背景 13

5.2.2 实务指标分析 13

结 论 15

致 谢 16

参考文献(Reference) 17

第一章 绪 论

1.1 研究背景


1.2 研究目的及意义


1.3 研究内容及思路


1.4 论文框架



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