
 2022-07-06 01:07


摘 要

隋唐时期是中国历史上繁荣富强的时期,但是在盛世下难免也会有外交冲突和战争。本文收集了隋唐时期的领土区域、边界的变化及一些重要的历史事件和隋唐时期的电子全图以及详细的郡县栅格图。分析比较常用的制图软件ArcGIS和CorelDraw在制图和显示上的优缺点,确定本文矢量化隋唐历史电子地图的工具。对隋唐电子地图进行总体设计,按软件原则与方法进行数据设计、界面设计、符号与注记设计,色彩设计,并针对隋唐历史设计出隋唐电子地图集的内容与技术流程。在ArcGIS中根据总体设计要求设计出表达的历史疆域、事件、人物的隋朝历史电子地图和唐朝历史电子地图。在安装了于MapWinGIS和MapObjects插件的基础上用C 语言进行二次开发,实现基本的数据操作、数据编辑和查询功能。展示电子地图的主要成果,概括说明本设计的情况和价值,分析其优点、特色,创新性。




The Sui and Tang dynasties were a period of prosperity and prosperity in Chinese history. However, in times of prosperity, there are also diplomatic conflicts and wars. This article has collected the changes of territorial regions and borders during the Sui and Tang Dynasties, as well as some important historical events and electronic maps of the Sui and Tang Dynasties and a detailed grid of counties and counties. Analysis of the more commonly used ArcGIS mapping software and CorelDraw graphics and display on the advantages and disadvantages of this paper to determine the vector of the history of the Sui and Tang electronic map tool. The overall design of the Sui and Tang Dynasties electronic map, according to the software principles and methods of data design, interface design, symbol and annotation design, color design, and for the Sui and Tang Dynasties design content and technical process. In ArcGIS design expression of historical territory, events, history of the Sui and Tang electronic map figures of the history of electronic map based on the overall design requirements. Based on the MapWinGIS and MapObjects plug-ins based on the C language for secondary development, to achieve the basic data manipulation, data editing and query functions. Demonstrate the main results of the electronic map, outline the situation and value of the design, analyze its advantages, characteristics, and innovation. This paper describes the territorial changes during the Sui and Tang Dynasties by means of electronic maps, combining historical events with geographical space, and reflecting the changes in territorial regions and borders and some important historical events during the Sui and Tang Dynasties through graphic and textual forms. Designed a friendly interface, easy to use, easy to query electronic map.

KEY WORDS: Sui and Tang historical maps, electronic maps, vectorization, map editing, map inquiries

目 录

摘要 I

Abstract II

第一章 绪论 1

1.1引言 1

1.2常用制图软件的介绍和比较 1

1.3本文的研究目的和主要研究内容 2

第二章 隋唐历史电子地图的总体设计 3

2.1数据设计 3

2.2界面设计 4

2.3符号与注记设计 5

2.3.1符号设计 5

2.3.2注记设计 7

2.4色彩设计 8

2.5隋唐历史地图的内容和设计流程 9

第三章 隋唐历史电子地图 13

3.1 隋历史电子地图和领土变迁图 13

3.2 唐朝行政区划图和领土变迁图 20

3.3软件功能介绍 24

第四章 隋唐历史电子地图设计研究方法 28

第五章 结语 30

致 谢 31

参考文献 32

第一章 绪论





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