
 2022-01-20 12:01


目 录

1. 研究背景 1

2. 公式方法与反应模型 3

3. 浓度变化与敏感性分析 4

3.1 O3及主要溴化物浓度随时间的变化趋势 5

3.2 O3及主要溴化物对对流层各组分初始浓度的敏感性分析 6

4. 初始条件的改变与变化趋势 8

4.1 O3、BrO、HOBr及Br在不同CH3CHO初始浓度下的随时间的变化趋势 9

4.2 O3、BrO、HOBr及Br在不同HCHO初始浓度下的随时间的变化趋势 10

4.3 O3、HCHO、CH3CHO、Br、BrO及CH4在不同温度初始浓度随时间的变化趋势 11

5. 结论 13

附录 14

参考文献 17

致谢 19





Abstract: Since the 1970s, the scientific community has focused on the study of the Arctic spring ozone depletion events (ODEs). It is found that the depletion of ozone has a strong correlation with the release of halogen species, especially bromine, from various underlying surfaces such as the Arctic ice surface. In this thesis, we analyzed the dependence of O3 and BrO on the concentration of each initial component of the atmosphere to figure out which component is influencial for the ozone depletion. The smilation results show that acetaldehyde (CH3CHO) has the greatest impact on various chemicals, and it heavily affects the timescale of the complete ozone removal. However, it has little effect on the ozone depletion rate and the peak value of bromine-containing compoureds. In addition, the decrease of the initial concentration of formaldehyde (HCHO) can delay the occurrence of ODEs. Besides, in this study, we also found that the change of temperature in the chemical mechanism has different effects on hydrocarbons and bromides, but has minor effect on the depletion of ozone.

Key words:Initial concentration;Ozone depletion events;Bromine explosion


臭氧(O3)对人体健康和地球生态系统有重要的影响[1]。在平流层和对流层中O3均有的存在, 而大气中的O3主要集中在平流层[2]。平流层臭氧在全球的地气辐射收支平衡过程中起着重要作用,一方面,它吸收太阳的紫外辐射,从而对平流层大气进行短波加热,另一方面它可以通过发射红外长波辐射来调节对流层中的大气温度[1]。与之对应,对流层臭氧则是一种重要具有强氧化性的污染气体和温室气体[3],浓度较高时造成会刺激呼吸道、引起神经中毒、损害人体免疫系统等危害[4]。Lippmann发现,健康成年人在100ppb的臭氧环境中暴露几小时会导致其肺功能衰退,且随着暴露时间增长,过量臭氧带来的危害也会积聚[5]。此外,对流层臭氧还会损坏生物组织,导致生物体眼刺激及胸痛。因此,对流层臭氧有很大的危害。

自从南极上空的臭氧洞被发现,国际社会开始关注平流层臭氧耗损情况。20世纪70年代以来, 观测表明平流层臭氧在系统性地耗损[6-9],尤其是严重的臭氧耗损出现在平流层的两极地区, 每年的9到10月, 当太阳光回复到对流层南极, 并且那里的温度还相当冷时, 极圈内的臭氧耗损开始, 并形成臭氧洞,它主要是由极地对流层云、极地涡旋、光解反应以及非均相化学反应的共同影响下所形成的[2]。



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