
 2022-01-20 12:01


目 录

1. 引言 1

2. 数据 1

2.1 数据内容 1

2.2 数据处理 1

2.3 国家空气质量标准 2

3. 结果和讨论 2

3.1 能见度和PM2.5 变化 2

3.2 PM2.5和相对湿度对能见度的共同影响 3

3.3 在不同相对湿度条件下能见度和PM2.5的相关分析 5

3.4 RH、PM2.5和能见度的多元线性回归分析 6

3.5 降水对PM2.5和能见度的影响 7

4. 结论 7

参考文献 8

致谢 11




Abstract: With the analysis of haze pollution in the wintertime of ​​2012-2015 in Nanjing,fine particulate matter (PM2.5) is the paramount factor affecting air quality in winter. An analysis of haze event reveals that the period with the lowest visibility in the haze event corresponds to the emergence of high humidity weather, the two process of reducing the visibility is caused by changes in PM2.5 and RH respectively. Statistical analysis shows that the negative correlation between PM2.5 concentration and visibility is significant (r = -0.58), and the fitting result is a power function distribution. The relative humidity is one of the important factors that affect the visibility of winter. With the same PM2.5 concentration, the visibility decreases with the increase of RH. Under different relative humidity levels, the fitting results of the visibility and PM2.5 concentration accord with the power function distribution, and the goodness of the fitting and inflection point values decreases with the increase of the relative humidity. The influence of PM2.5 on the visibility becomes lower with increased relative humidity. Relative humidity and PM2.5 concentration influence the visibility together, based on these two factors the multiple linear regression equation is constructed, and quantify the contribution of the two factors to the visibility. It is concluded that the contribution of relative humidity and PM2.5 to the reduction of visibility in Nanjing wintertime is equivalent (51.7%, 48.3%), that is, the influence of human factors and meteorological factors to visibility is equivalent. The effect of precipitation on the removal of PM2.5 raised with the addition of precipitation intensity, and the visibility was decreased when precipitation occurred, and the visibility level of heavy rain and over was the lowest. In the case of light rain, the precipitation events itself will effect visibility and precipitation promote the hygroscopic growth of PM2.5 which enhance the impairment of visibility, which makes the decrease of visibility higher than that of moderate rainfall.

Key words:Visibility;Relative Humidity;PM2.5;Precipitation

  1. 引言

能见度是反映大气透明度的一个指标,定义为具有正常视力的人在当时的天气条件下能够看清楚目标物轮廓的最大距离[1]。在气象学中,能见度能够直接反映大气污染的状况,如灰霾天气现象、空气污染物浓度等[2]。因此,大气能见度变化规律的研究近来受到较多关注, 很多学者通过对能见度长期变化的研究分析雾霾的发展[3]。Sloane研究了能够反映由空气污染引起的空气质量光学变化的能见度趋势[6]。在对空气质量的长期研究中,大气能见度明显下降,能见度均值在21世纪初降到7km[7]。其它近期的研究则主要对主要地区染污的影响进行了研究[9]。大气污染物的吸收和散射对能见度有很强的影响作用[10]。大量研究表明,能见度的降低主要是由于气溶胶细粒子造成的[12]。PM2.5中二次气溶胶的增加使得能见度降低影响[14]。PM2.5 颗粒中最主要的成分(硫酸盐和铵盐)对可见光具有强散射作用[15]。影响气溶胶散射能力的主要因子是颗粒物的质量浓度和粒径分布[16],Zhou等研究了颗粒物不同成分对能见度的影响[17]

另一方面,大气能见度受到气象因子的影响(例如降水、雾、潮湿等)。颗粒物浓度和相对湿度(RH)共同影响能见度的变化[18]。颗粒物的吸湿增长是能见度降低的主要影响因子[19]。当RH lt; 60%时,大气中的气溶胶粒子的存在为干状态,而 RH gt; 60%时,RH 对气溶胶粒子散射能力的影响变得十分显著[16]。Bai 认为湿度的增加可以导致细颗粒物的吸湿增长,提高了细颗粒物的散射能力,从而引起能见度的降低,但是能见度的降低与降水和雾的发生没有明显的关系[21]。而Chate研究表明云下清除过程中的降水对气溶胶浓度的降低是十分有效的,通过降水去除悬浮在大气中的气溶胶颗粒是维持大气气溶胶颗粒的源和汇平衡的主要机制之一[22]。Hong 对比了降水日和非降水日能见度与PM2.5浓度的相关性,结果显示在非降水日两者相关更为显著[7]。降水时气溶胶浓度的改变量与前一日的气溶胶浓度值存在较好的相关特性[23]。Bae等发现降水对颗粒物的清除效果主要取决于雨强、雨滴直径和颗粒物直径[24]


  1. 数据
    1. 数据内容

选取资料长度为2013至2016年,能见度和地面气象站观测资料为五分钟一次,来源于南京观测站(58238),数据由江苏省气象台提供,处理为逐小时资料,方便与污染物逐小时资料进行对应分析。PM10、PM2.5和CO 的逐小时资料来源于九个空气监测国控点(草场门、仙林大学城、瑞金路、玄武湖、中华门、山西路、迈皋桥、奥体中心、浦口)(图1),数据由江苏省环境监控中心提供。

    1. 数据处理


    1. 国家空气质量标准

本文中所使用的PM2.5浓度和PM10浓度标准来源于《环境空气质量标准》(GB 3095-2012),定义PM2.5 质量浓度24小时平均的一级标准和二级标准分别为35μg/m3和75μg/m3,PM10 质量浓度24小时平均的一级标准和二级标准分别为50μg/m3和150 μg/m3。本文所使用的霾的定义来源于《霾的观测和预报等级》(QX/T 113-2010),能见度lt;10.0km,排除降水、沙尘暴、扬沙、浮尘、烟幕、吹雪、雪暴等天气现象造成的视程障碍。相对湿度小于80%识别为霾,相对湿度80%到95%时,按照大气成分指标进一步识别,采用PM2.5浓度作为指标,定义PM2.5质量浓度高于75μg/m3为霾。


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