
 2022-01-30 07:01


摘 要

本文提出可靠的测量眼镜式显示器物理参数的方法,由于EPSON bt200眼镜式显示器在人眼前成的是虚像,成像距离在无穷远处,利用传统方法不能对其显示性能指标进行测量,需要设计新的测量方法。本研究使用CA-2000测量仪器和EPSON bt200眼镜式显示器,研究内容为测量EPSON bt200的亮度、对比度、色域这三个指标。测量方法为利用CA-2000的tele镜头测量EPSON bt200的各项参数。经过数据测量以及数据处理,EPSON bt200的亮度能从4.6到550cd/cm^2调节,它的对比度为208.74:1,它的色域覆盖率为24.4%。本文对这三个关键指标与其他显示器作了比较,介绍了各种类型的眼镜式显示器以及它们的特点,并对今后眼镜式显示器的前景提出了展望。



Measurement and research about glasses type display key physical parameters

06012218 Andi Li

Supervised by Fanzhao Wen

Abstract: For decades, the flat panel display has become an indispensable part of people's lives. Compared with other types of displays, glasses-style display, as a innovational image information display, provides comprehensive information of the image, not only as a personal display, but also as the design basis of compact large-screen projection system. With the rapid development of flat panel displays and popularization of the glasses type display, glasses type display largely overcome the general flat panel displays’ shortcomings, such as the weight of big, bulky, power consumption, high operating voltage, etc. With the popularity of Virtual Reality technology, a wide range of glasses type display will be more and more present in people's lives.

In this paper, reliable measurements of the physical parameters of the glasses type display method has been developoed, since the EPSON bt200 glasses type display gives people a virtual image, an imaging distance at infinity, using traditional methods can not measure their display performance, we need to design new Measurement methods. In this study, CA-2000 measuring instruments and EPSON bt200 glasses type display are used to measure three indicators: the brightness, contrast, and color gamut. After carefully calculation, the brightness of EPSON bt200 is from 4.6 to 550cd/cm^2, its contrast ratio is 208.74: 1 and its color gamut coverage was 24.4%. In this paper, these three key indicators are compared with other displays, it introduces the various types of glasses type display as well as their characteristics, and the prospect of glasses type display.

Key words: display; glass; brightness; contrast; color gamut


摘要 I

Abstract II

第一章 绪论 1

1.1研究背景 1

1.2国内外研究现状 1

1.3课题研究内容及论文结构 3

第二章 眼镜式显示器相关理论 4

2.1眼镜式显示器关键参数介绍 4

2.2 CIE颜色系统介绍 5

2.3测量原理 6

2.4计算方法 6

2.5本章小结 7

第三章EPSON bt200的相关参数测量 8

3.1研究前准备 8

3.2测量步骤 8

3.3数据处理与结果计算 8

3.4分析与结论 11

3.5本章小结 12

第四章 总结与展望 13

4.1本文内容总结 13

4.2眼镜式显示器的优势、劣势 13

4.2 2D眼镜式显示器、3D眼镜、AR眼镜、VR眼镜与MR眼镜 14

4.3眼镜式显示器的前景展望 15

致 谢 16

参考文献 17

第一章 绪论



显示器[1]作为人们生活中不可或缺的一样东西,早已深深融入我们的生活当中,放眼望去,从电视电脑,到手机,电子手表,再看看各大购物中心楼外的巨型显示屏,显示器早已与我们的生活融为一体。从早期的阴极射线管(CRT)显示器,再到后来的LED显示器,LCD显示器,各式各样的3D显示器,显示技术在这几十年来赢来巨大的变革,而就在几年之前,眼镜式显示器[2]的横空出世,正是这场显示器技术革命带来的成果之一,曾几何时电影里的炫酷眼镜式显示器确在几年之前出现在市场中,虽然技术上还做不到像电影里那样的科技感,但是已经给人们很大的惊喜,比如大名鼎鼎的google眼镜以及SONY等各大厂商推出的各种眼镜式显示器。同时,这几年来虚拟现实(Virtual Reality,简称VR)技术的火热发展也推动了眼镜式显示器的发展。目前眼镜式显示器的应用领域囊括了生活工作中的各行各业,比如军事、医疗、娱乐、教育等,各国都在加速推进眼镜式显示器的研究与生产。



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