
 2022-11-15 09:11


摘 要





Design of Block-chain Data Efficient Management System


The Internet has brought great changes to everyone's life.Online payment has become an important way for young people. When the services of the third party trading platform are diversified and the operation is complicated.The organization will not only increase the data processing and transaction cost, but also have the trust crisis of the decline of service quality. Therefore, we need a new system to solve the situation.

Based on the above background, combined with an application in Block-chain technology.Node.JS technology set of order information management system is studied and designed to facilitate enterprises and individuals to view information, improve management efficiency and level, and reduce management costs. A server-side Node.JS of this new framework to develop. Node.JS use JavaScript language to develop, which greatly reduces learning costs and development costs.it has great research value.

Based on the Web environment, the content of this project is to create a block chain technology transaction information storage and query system page. CCS、JavaScript、PHP language is used to design the web page. This design uses Node.JS and HTML5 design to realize system function and display data. Through the inspect and analyse analysis of the block chain, combined with the relevant program situation of the application, the design function realizes the complete program, meets the customer's demand, and saves the cost. After the page runs through the server, the user can enter the data management system directly through the browser.

Keywords: Block-chain , MYSQL , Decentralization , Node.JS , HTML , Distributed management , P2P


区块链数据高效管理系统的设计 I

摘要 I

Abstract II

第一章 绪论 1

1.1. 课题的背景和意义 1

1.2. 国内外发展现状 1

1.3. 课题主要内容 1

1.4. 论文的结构 2

1.5. 本章小结 2

第二章 相关技术简介 3

2.1. 点对点网络通信(P2P) 3

2.2. 区块链技术 3

2.2.1. 区块链的优势 3

2.3. 加密技术 3

2.3.1. 对称加密算法 4

2.3.2. 非对称加密算法 4

2.3.3. 对称加密与非对称加密的区别 4

2.4. 数字签名 4

2.4.1. 数字签名的功能: 4

2.4.2. 数字时间戳(digital time-stamp) 4

2.4.3. 数字凭证 5

2.5. 共识机制 5

2.6. Node.JS简介 5

2.7. 前端基础技术 5

2.7.1. HTML5标准简述及意义 6

2.7.2. MYSQL数据库 6

2.8. 本章小结 6

第三章 系统需求分析 7

3.1. 系统总体结构分析 7

3.2. 应用层功能需求分析 7

3.3. 底层功能设计需求分析 8

3.4. 数据库设计 8

3.5. 数据库需求分析 8

3.6. 本章小结 8

第四章 系统设计 9

4.1. 总体设计 9

4.2. 功能设计 9

4.2.1. 注册和登录功能 9

4.2.2. 交易功能 10

4.2.3. 交易具体的流程实现 11

4.2.4. 历史交易查询 12

4.3. 非功能设计 12

4.3.1. 网页设计 12

4.3.2. 数据库设计 13

4.4. 本章小结 13

第五章 系统实现与测试 14

5.1. 功能测试 14

5.1.1. 数据库连接测试 14

5.1.2. 注册登录功能测试 14

5.1.3. 转账功能测试 14

5.1.4. 交易查询功能测试 14

5.1.5. 共识节点测试 14

5.1.6. 性能测试 14

5.2. 系统实现 14

5.3. 本章小结 15

第六章 结论 16

致谢 17

参考文献 18


    1. 课题的背景和意义




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