
 2022-05-23 08:05


摘 要


首先,本论文设计了单面柔性电感器,并利用丝网印刷技术完成了不同尺寸器件的制备工作。在风洞中对其进行测试,结果表明,随着衬底高度增大(由1cm增大到4cm),传感器的最大量程减小(由23.9m/s 减小到9.6m/s),对低风速的灵敏度增大(可测量的最小风速由6.4m/s减小到2m/s),测量精度增大(由0.41nH•m-1•s增大到0.58nH•m-1•s);随着衬底宽度增大(由6cm增大到10cm),传感器的最大量程不变(11.2m/s),对低风速的灵敏度不变(可测量的最小风速为3.3m/s),测量精度不变(0.53nH•m-1•s);随着衬底厚度增大(由75μm增加到175μm),传感器的最大量程增大(由11.2m/s 增加到23.9m/s),对低风速的灵敏度减小(可测量的最小风速由3.3m/s增加到12.7m/s),测量精度减小(由0.58nH•m-1•s减小到0.12nH•m-1•s)。可见,传感器性能与衬底高度和厚度有关,与衬底宽度与无关;此外,提高最大量程与提升灵敏度、精度之间存在互斥关系,即无法通过改变衬底参数在不降低最大量程的同时提升灵敏度和精度。




In this thesis, an anemometer based on flexible inductor is developed. The flexible inductor is bent by the wind and the inductance value is reduced. The wind speed value can be converted by measuring the inductance value.

First, we made a single-sided flexible inductor. As the height of the substrate increases, the maximum range of the sensor decreases, the sensitivity to low wind speed increases, and the measurement accuracy increases. As the substrate width increases, the maximum range of the sensor does not change, and the sensitivity to low wind speed remains unchanged. The measurement accuracy is unchanged. As the thickness of the substrate increases, the maximum range of the sensor increases, the sensitivity to low wind speed decreases, and the measurement accuracy decreases. It can be seen that the performance of the sensor is related to the height and thickness of the substrate, and has nothing to do with the width of the substrate. In addition, there is a mutual exclusion relationship between the maximum range and the sensitivity and accuracy of the improvement, that is, the sensitivity and accuracy cannot be improved without lowering the maximum range.

Then, we made a double-sided flexible inductor. Compared with the single-sided flexible inductor, the maximum speed range of the wind speed sensor based on the double-sided flexible inductor is unchanged, the sensitivity to the low wind speed is increased, and the measurement accuracy is increased. It can be seen that we solved the previously mentioned performance mutual exclusion problem by optimizing the double-sided structure of the sensor. Among them, mutual inductance plays an important role and it helps us to improve sensor performance.

KEY WORDS: flexible substrate, inductance, bending effect, anemometer

目 录

摘要 I

Abstract II

第一章 绪论 1

1.1风速测量的研究背景及现状 1

1.1.1风速测量的研究背景 1

1.1.2风速测量的研究现状 1

1.2柔性电子器件的研究背景及现状 4

1.2.1柔性电子器件的研究背景 4

1.2.2柔性电子器件的研究现状 4

1.3课题的主要内容及论文的结构安排 5

1.3.1课题的主要内容 5

1.3.2论文的结构安排 5

1.4本章小结 6

第二章 丝网印刷技术 7

2.1丝网印刷技术概述 7

2.1.1丝网印刷技术的基本原理 7

2.1.2丝网印刷的器材选取及注意事项 7

2.2丝网印刷技术的实际应用 8

2.2.1丝网印刷技术在纸类印刷中的应用 8

2.2.2丝网印刷技术在工艺品印刷中的应用 9

2.2.3丝网印刷技术在电子器件制作中的应用 9

2.3丝网印刷技术的发展前景 11

2.4本章小结 12

第三章 基于柔性电感的风速传感器的设计与制作 13

3.1基于柔性电感的风速传感器的设计思路 13

3.2基于柔性电感的风速传感器的制作流程 13

3.2.1制作丝印网版 14

3.2.2准备PET衬底 14

3.2.3进行丝网印刷 14

3.2.4进行第一次高温固化 15

3.2.5进行切孔引线 15

3.2.6进行第二次高温固化 15

3.3本章小结 15

第四章 基于柔性电感的风速传感器的实验测试与数据分析 16

4.1基于柔性电感的风速传感器的测试方案 16

4.2基于柔性电感的风速传感器的测试结果 17

4.2.1改变衬底高度的测试结果 17

4.2.2改变衬底宽度的测试结果 18

4.2.3改变衬底厚度的测试结果 18

4.3测试结果的理论分析 19

4.4本章小结 20

第五章 基于柔性电感的风速传感器的优化改进 21

5.1改进方案 21

5.2器件制作 21

5.2.1制作单面螺旋电感 21

5.2.2制作反面螺旋电感 22

5.2.3进行切孔引线 22

5.3实验测试及分析 22

5.3.1测试方案 22

5.3.2实验结果 23

5.3.3理论分析 23

5.4本章小结 24

第六章 总结与展望 25

6.1课题总结 25

6.2工作展望 25

致谢 26

参考文献 27

作者简介 29

第一章 绪论








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