
 2022-05-20 10:05


摘 要




Humidity sensor plays an important role in both industrial production and daily life. So understanding the characteristics of humidity sensitive material is the key to the design of humidity sensor. The humidity sensitive materials in humidity sensors are generally porous, and the capillary condensation phenomenon is an important factor that should be considered in the model of humidity sensitive material. To study capacitive humidity sensors, we model the relative humidity sensitive material based on the Fick's law and calculate the characteristic curves with Matlab and Comsol. Then the effect of capillary condensation is considered to modify the sensitive material model. Finally on the basis of the sensitive material model, a capacitive humidity sensor is simulated. The influence of capillary condensation effect is , the external environment parameters and the device sizes on the characteristics of capacitive humidity sensors are discussed. In conclusion: increasing the exposure area of sensitive material , decreasing the membrane thickness, reasonably enlarging the porosity of membrane, can improve the response time of the sensor.

Keywords: Humidity sensitive material; capacitive humidity sensor; capillary condensation; performance simulation

目 录

摘要 3


第一章 引言 7

1.1 研究背景 7

1.2 湿度传感器的性能参数 7

1.2.1 工作条件和测量范围 7

1.2.2 灵敏度 7

1.2.3 响应时间 8

1.2.4 温漂 8

1.2.5 湿滞 8

1.2.6 可靠性和稳定性 8

1.3 湿度传感器以及湿敏材料的研究现状 8

1.3.1 湿度传感器的介绍 8

1.3.2 电容式湿度传感器以及湿敏材料的研究现状 9

1.4 课题主要工作 9

第二章 基于扩散、吸附过程的材料感湿模型 10

2.1 敏感材料模型 10

2.2 传感器模型 12

2.2.1 传感器的物理模型 12

2.2.2 传感器的数学模型 13

2.2.3 对传感器的仿真及计算 14

第三章 毛细冷凝效应及对材料感湿模型的修正 17

3.1 毛细冷凝现象 17

3.2 毛细孔的分类 17

3.3 毛细孔内水的凝结和蒸发 18

3.4 考虑毛细冷凝的模型对材料感湿模型的修正 19

第四章 仿真结果分析 23

4.1 物理模型参数的影响 23

4.1.1 微孔的直径 23

4.1.2 微孔之间的距离 24

4.2 PI膜参数的影响 26

4.2.1 孔隙率 26

4.2.2 PI膜的厚度 28

4.2.3 毛细孔的尺寸及分布 29

4.3 外界环境的影响 32

4.3.1 温度 32

4.3.2 测量湿度的范围 33

第五章 总结与展望 35

5.1 总结 35

5.2 展望 35

致 谢 37

参考文献 38





其中, 和 分别指的是当前水蒸汽分压和水蒸汽在该温度下的饱和气压[1]。


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