780MHz 高效率射频功率放大器设计

 2022-05-17 09:05


摘 要


本文基于TSMC 40nm工艺设计了一个低功耗高效率的功率放大器,该功率放大器由1.2V电源供电,工作频率为780MHz。整体结构包括差分输入级,多级级联推挽放大器、可调输出级、偏置电路和阻抗变换网络。差分输入级可将双端输入信号转化为单端输出信号。为了兼顾线性度与效率,单级推挽放大器由偏置电压控制使其导通角在50%-100%,并且通过电阻引入电压负反馈使该电路能够自适应偏置。可调输出级由三个被使能信号控制的推挽反相器并联组成。阻抗变换网络采用常见的L型网络结构。




As an important module in wireless radio communication systems, power amplifiers can use the power of the power to amplify the power of the input signal for subsequent transmission and reception of the output signal. The power amplifier is located at the last stage of the transmitter, and its power consumption, efficiency, linearity and other properties have a direct impact on the performance of the entire communication system.

Based on TSMC 40nm process , a power amplifier with low power and high efficiency is designed in this paper . The power amplifier is powered by a 1.2V supply and operates at 780MHz. The overall structure includes a differential input stage, a multi-stage cascaded push-pull amplifier, an adjustable output stage, a bias circuit, and an impedance transformation network. The differential input stage converts the double-ended input signal into a single-ended output signal. In order to balance linearity and efficiency, the single-stage push-pull amplifier is controlled by a bias voltage to have a conduction angle of 50%-100%. In addition, a voltage negative feedback is introduced through the resistor to enable the circuit to be adaptively biased. The adjustable output stage consists of three push-pull inverters controlled by an enable signal in parallel. The impedance transformation network uses a common L-type network structure.

This paper uses Cadence software to simulate the power amplifier. Under the premise of using 1.2V power supply and input power of -4dBm, the maximum output power is 4.5dBm, the power added efficiency is 38.2%, the third-order intermodulation coefficient (OIP3) is 11.4dB, and the S11 parameter of the output matching network is -13.2dB.

KEYWORDS: power amplifier; radio frequency; high efficiency; cascade;

目 录

摘 要 I


第一章 绪论 1

1.1 课题背景与意义 1

1.2 国内外研究现状 1

1.3 研究内容与设计指标 3

1.4 论文组织结构 4

第二章 功率放大器的基本原理 5

2.1 功率放大器特点与分类 5

2.1.1 线性功率放大器 5

2.1.2 非线性功率放大器 9

2.1.3 各类功率放大器性能之间的比较 11

2.2 功率放大器性能指标 12

2.2.1 输出功率 12

2.2.2 效率 12

2.2.3 线性度 13

2.3 功率放大器性能优化方法 13

2.3.1 前馈技术 13

2.3.2 反馈技术 14

2.3.3 预失真技术 14

2.3.4 Doherty结构 15

2.4 本章小结 15

第三章 功率放大器设计 16

3.1总体结构设计 16

3.2放大电路结构 16

3.2.1共源放大结构 16

3.2.2 推挽反相器 20

3.2.3可变功率输出级电路 21

3.2.4 功放具体设计 22

3.3 有源偏置电路 25

3.4 输出匹配网络设计 28

3.5本章小结 31

第四章 仿真结果与分析 32

第五章 总结和展望 36

5.1 总结 36

5.2 展望 36

致 谢 37

参考文献 38

第一章 绪论

    1. 课题背景与意义




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