
 2022-05-16 08:05


摘 要



关键词:原位分析 等离子体 朗缪尔探针 数据采集


With the fast development of integrated circuits and microelectronic devices, the semiconductor processing technology is facing great challenges as the feature sizes are decreasing to sub-10 nm scale. The Moore's Law, which is known as the golden rule of integrated circuits, has been predicted to soon reach its end because of the physical limitations of silicon microprocessors. To overcome the limitations, researchers have been investigating new materials continuously to further minimize the device size via the fundamental approach. As for nanomaterials, the transmission electron microscope (TEM) is a powerful tool used to characterize their structures and properties. Though the TEM is able to observe the atomic information of diverse electronic materials, it still lacks capability in tailoring their structures in situ. In comparison, plasma etching is an important technique frequently used for processing materials in the industry. In order to establish the relationship between material size and the corresponding property, researchers need to observe the material behaviors together with in-situ processing. This thesis attempts to combine the TEM with plasma etching so as to create a TEM-compatible remote plasma system for in-situ investigation.

It mainly comprises the plasma source, the diagnostic unit and the differential pumping system. Here we mainly focus the design of the diagnostic device for the plasma system, based on a simple and effective method using a Langmuir probe. The design includes a sweep voltage source, current-measurement unit, voltage-measurement unit, and power supply circuitry. We use a MCU as the control center and the medium for data transmission. The measured data of current and voltage is transferred to the computer for plotting the I-V graphs.

KEY WORDS: in-situ analysis, plasma, Langmuir probe, data acquisition

目 录

摘 要 I

Abstract II

第一章 绪论 1

1.1引言 1

1.2等离子体简介 3

1.2.1等离子体的概念 3

1.2.2等离子体的性质 4

1.2.3等离子体的分类 4

1.2.4等离子体参量 5

1.2.5等离子体的应用 7

1.3等离子体系统构成 8

1.3.1等离子体发生源 8

1.3.2等离子体诊断方法 10

1.3.3等离子体差分气路系统 12

1.4本文主要内容 12

第二章 静电探针系统原理简介 13

2.1单探针介绍 13

2.1.1单探针I-V特性曲线 14

2.1.2等离子体参数的获取 15

2.1.3单探针的优缺点及误差来源 16

2.2双探针简介 17

2.3国内外朗缪尔探针仪状况 17

2.3.1国外产品举例 17

2.3.2国内研究举例 18

2.3.3小结 19

第三章 电路硬件结构设计 19

3.1设计仿真软件 21

3.2扫描电压源电路 21

3.2.1扫描电压源电路设计及原理 22

3.2.2扫描电压源电路主要元件介绍 22

3.3电压检测电路 26

3.4电流检测电路 27

3.5元件供电电路 28

3.5.1 ±5 V电压产生电路 28

3.5.2 参考电平(-4 V, 2 V) 30

3.6关键参数选取及测量计算 31

3.6.1扫描电压源的参数选取 31

3.6.2电压测量电路 31

3.6.3电流测量电路 32

3.7电路仿真 32

3.7.1扫描电压源 32

3.7.2电压测量电路 34

3.7.3电流检测电路 35

第四章 软件系统设计 35

4.1单片机及相关模块简介 35

4.2软件系统结构 38

第五章 系统测试与应用 39

5.1电路PCB的制作 39

5.2电路功能测试 41

5.2.1供电电路测试 42

5.2.2扫描电压电路测试 42

5.2.3电压检测电路测试 46

5.2.4电流检测电路测试 47

5.2.5系统整体功能测试 47

第六章 总结与展望 49

6.1总结 49

6.2展望 50

致 谢 51

参考文献 52

附录 53

第一章 绪论


自从1958年第一块真正意义上的现代集成电路诞生以来,它的发展已经走过了60个年头,这六十年来集成电路产业一直遵循着摩尔定律——每18至24个月,单个芯片上所集成的晶体管数目便会翻一番,相应的电路的性能也会翻一番,成本则变为原来一半[1]。随着大规模集成电路的不断发展,集成电路的规模已经达到前所未有的高度,目前10 nm和7 nm工艺都已经实现量产,实验室也已经在研究5 nm甚至是3 nm的工艺制程。但是随着器件的尺寸不断地缩小、器件的速度越来越快,各种各样的问题也接踵而来,这导致人们曾一度质疑摩尔定律的适应性。然而在研究人员的共同努力下,摩尔定律至今依旧在延续。


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