基于MATLAB GUI的数字图像处理系统设计

 2023-03-09 08:03


摘 要


开发数字图像处理系统的软件有很多,如Visual C 、Photoshop、CorelDRAW、Erdas Imagine、ENVI等。本文所介绍的MATLAB软件,自带图像处理工具箱,相对于其他软件操作更加简单,使用者可以轻松地编辑代码来实现图像处理。可能一个较为复杂的图像处理操作在MATLAB中只需要短短几行代码就可以完成。它很适用于科研工作,只要有了新的想法和思路,我们就可以很快的在MATLAB中实现想要的效果,并验证我们的想法是否正确。

MATLAB 作为目前流行的数字计算软件,具备强大的图像处理功能,并且界面简洁,操作直观,是图像处理系统的理想使用工具。本课题以MATLAB提供的图形用户界面(GUI)平台对图像处理系统进行设计。 其中图像处理的大部分算法都可以运用 MATLAB 的图像处理工具箱进行实现,系统支持索引图像、灰度图像、RGB 图像等图像类型;即BMP、GIF、JPEG、TIFF、PNG 等文件格式的读,写和处理。这些功能在生活中有很多的运用价值,对于运算量大、过程复杂的功能,利用 MATLAB可以快速得到数据结果,同时得到比较直观的显示。

本课题利用MATLAB的图像工具箱快速构建算法,实现的功能有三大模块:图像变换、图像增强、图像分割以及一些常用的图像处理操作。关于MATLAB GUI还有很多未实现的功能需要我们日后逐步的学习和开发。

关键词:MATLAB; 数字图像处理; GUI ; 图像变换; 图像分割; 图像增强

The design of digital image processing system based on MATLAB


Digital image processing is a method of image denoising, enhancement, segmentation, feature extraction and so on. Compared with the traditional image processing methods, digital image processing is a new technology innovation, it completely changed the image processing methods used in the past, has become a new direction in image processing.

Digital image processing system software, such as Visual, Photoshop, CorelDRAW, Erdas, Imagine, ENVI, etc.. In this paper, the MATLAB , comes with image processing toolbox, compared with other software operation is more simple, users can easily edit code to achieve image processing. May be a more complex image processing operations in MATLAB just a few lines of code can be completed. It is very suitable for scientific research, as long as there are new ideas and ideas, we can quickly achieve the desired effect in MATLAB, and verify that our ideas are correct.

As currently popular digital computing software,MATLAB has powerful image processing functions, it has simple Interface and it`s easy to operate.so we consider it`s an ideal tool to design image processing system. Take advantage of the graphical user interface(GUI) for which MATLAB provides as a platform to design the image processing system in this paper.Most of the image processing algorithms can be implemented by using MATLAB image processing toolbox.The system supports index image, gray image, RGB image and etc,in other words,read, write and process file such as BMP, GIF, JPEG, TIFF, PNG and other formats.These functions have a lot of value in life. For a large amount of computing, the process of complex functions, using MATLAB can quickly get the results of the data, and get a more intuitive display.

In this paper, we use the MATLAB toolbox to build the algorithm quickly, and realize the function of three modules: image transform, image enhancement, image segmentation and some commonly used image processing operations. About MATLAB GUI there are many functions unrealized, we need learning and development in the after time.

Keywords: MATLAB;digital image processing;GUI;image transform;image enhancement;image segmentation

目 录

摘 要 3

Abstract 4

第一章 引 言 7

1.1研究背景及意义 7

1.2 设计要求及目的 7

1.3论文章节安排 8

第二章 图像处理基本原理 9

2.1图像增强 9

2.1.1 对比度增强 9

2.1.2 平滑 9

2.1.3 锐化 10

2.1.4 伪彩色增强 10

2.1.5 加入噪声 10

2.2 图像分割 10

2.2.1阈值分割 11

2.2.2梯度分割 11

2.3 图像变换 11

第三章 具体设计 12

3.1 总体设计 12

3.2 菜单设计 14

3.3 文件操作 15

3.3.1 图像打开 15

3.3.1 图像保存 16

3.3.2 程序退出 16

3.3.3 图像还原 16

3.4 旋转 17

3.4.1任意角度旋转 17

3.4.2 上下翻转 18

3.4.3 左右翻转 19

3.5 图像增强 20

3.5.1 亮度 20

3.5.2 对比度 21

3.5.3 伪彩色增强 22

3.5.4 平滑 23

3.5.5 锐化 25

3.6 图像分割 27

3.7其他常用处理 30

3.7.1 加入噪声 30

3.7.2 灰度图像处理 32

3.7.3 直方图显示 32

第四章 结果分析 34

第五章 心得体会 35

致 谢 36

参考文献(References) 37

附 录 38


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