2023-02-26 06:02


摘 要





IIR Digital Filter"s MATLAB Design


The digital filter is the input and input are digital signals, through a certain operation to change the input signal frequency, phase and other parameters required or filter out some of the signal software and hardware. Digital filters are widely used nowadays, especially in aviation, medical, military and other communication fields. Because the method is simple and with high precision, stability and flexibility of digital filter, its social status and value should be higher than the analog and digital filter.

Although there are many kinds of digital filter, but from the function of watching digital filter to achieve the main function of low-pass filter, high pass filter, band pass filter and band stop filter. If only from its network structure, the digital filter can be divided into IIR digital filter (infinite impulse response filter) and FIR digital filter (finite impulse response filter). Although the method of filtering is different from the structure, the basic functions are the same.

This paper is based on the MATLAB function to achieve IIR digital filter. Digital filter theory is now quite mature, this paper will be based on the understanding of modern and traditional digital filter design. Using MATLAB to provide a powerful digital processing toolbox for effective, intuitive, brief introduction of the IIR digital filter design.

Keywords:Digital Filter; MATLAB; Digital Signal Processing; IIR Digital Filter

目 录

摘 要 I

Abstract II

第一章 引 言 1

1.1 选题背景 1

1.2 MATLAB简介 1

1.3 论文的主要工作 2

1.4 论文组织结构 2

第二章 数字滤波器 1

2.1 数字滤波器的分类 1

2.2 数字滤波器的工作原理 1

2.3 数字滤波器的结构表示方法 2

2.4 IIR数字滤波器和FIR数字滤波器 3

2.4.1 IIR滤波器和FIR滤波器的比较 3

2.4.2 不同结构的数字滤波器 4

2.4.3 四种结构的IIR数字滤波器比较 7

第三章 IIR数字滤波器 8

3.1 IIR滤波器的设计思路 8

3.2 模拟低通滤波器 8

3.2.1 巴特沃斯低通滤波器 8

3.2.2 切比雪夫低通滤波器 9

3.3 滤波器相关函数 9

3.4 IIR数字低通滤波器 10

3.5 IIR高通滤波器 11

3.6 IIR带通滤波器 11

3.7 IIR帯阻滤波器 12

3.8 FDATool简介 12

第四章 总结 13

致 谢 14

参考文献 15

引 言





同时数字信号处理技术广泛的在各个新兴领域,因其具有可程控、可 预见性、精度高、稳定性好、可靠性和可重复性好、易于实现自适应算法、大规模集成等优点,广泛应用于实时信号处理系统中。[4]数字信号处理技术在如今的发展趋势是低功耗、高性能、高通用。数字信号处理技术正跟着现代科技的步伐,活跃在电子产品的市场当中。


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