
 2023-08-26 14:12:29


摘 要





1. Introduction 1

1.1 Research background 1

1.2 Purpose of research 3

1.3 Research design and methods 3

1.4 Definition of distraction 4

2. Investigation on the Current Situation of Pupils’ Attention 5

2.1 Characteristics of pupils’ distraction in English class 5

2.2 Performance of pupils’ distraction in English class 6

3. Reasons of Pupils’ Distractions in English Classes 7

3.1 Students’ factors 8

3.2 Teachers’ factors 9

3.3 Environmental factors 13

4. Solutions to Pupils’ distraction in English Classes 14

4.1 Students’ introspection 14

4.2 Developing teachers’ personal fascination 14

4.3 Choosing teaching methods flexibly 15

4.4 Optimizing evaluation methods 16

4.5 Improving the environment 16

5. Conclusion 17

Works Cited 18

Appendix I 19

Appendix II 22

1. Introduction

It can be learned from psychology that attention is the first defense in the process of receiving information and it is the only gateway to the mind, we cannot be bathed in the sunshine of wisdom and develop our intelligence if the door is closed. What’s more, attention is very important in second language acquisition, only the input that is noticed can be transformed into absorption. (Schmidt 129) However, pupils often divert attention from the English class and the causes of this phenomenon is very complex, such as the course content and methods of instruction,the learning environment, personal factors and so on. Such a phenomenon, from my observation, can bring a lot of negative effects on learning quality,and not only that the results that the teacher gains will be much less than the teaching goals. Thus it can be seen that if we want to improve students’ academic achievements, the first thing we should do is to increase students’ concentration levels. Therefore I consult relevant literature and resources and link practical experience to analyze the reasons of the pupils’ distractions in English class and related point of views and suggestions are given.

1.1 Research background

1.1.1 Problems in practice

In the primary school, it is very common for English teachers to find that numbers of the students cannot stay focused for a long time when they are teaching spelling or writing. By asking the students, I find some of them think that they have already master the rules to spell words and write sentences, it is so boring to repeat the practice of what they think they have mastered. While in the English reading class, many students would show more interest on the stories and keep attention for a longer time than before. What’s more, for the same teaching content, different English teachers use different teaching methods in the classes, then the concentration level of primary school students is also different. For example, when teaching words, one of their teachers uses traditional methods of spelling, writing and then memorizing the words, while another one prepares a game for students, and tries to let them understand and master these words through the game. It is certain that the concentration level of students and the teaching results can differ from each other. So, the question is why are there different situations of attention while in the same subject?

Here are some problems I find in the teaching practice. First of all, in terms of teaching content, although the teaching materials given by the textbooks are the same, or similar, after the teachers process the teaching content, the content mastered by the students will be different. Excellent teachers can deepen the content and supplement extracurricular knowledge. The students have a strong interest in the learning content and naturally concentrate on it. Secondly, in terms of teaching methods, although many scholars have analyzed the distraction of primary school students, and also provided many effective methods for the problems that arise, however, the author believes that as far as the current research situation is concerned, these studies have not been based on classroom teaching, nor have they been able to conduct necessary analysis and analysis on the particularity of primary school English classroom teaching. Therefore, in order to supplement the shortcomings of practical research in this field, the author will carry out exploration and research in combination with teaching practice.

1.1.2 Deficiencies in theoretical research

In the study of distracted intervention strategies, most of them propose strategies from psychological intervention and family intervention. For the relatively important intervention strategies of classroom teaching, there is no mature model, and there is a lack of effective feasibility strategies and the development of corresponding teaching models. In addition, the current degree of teacher specialization has not reached the expected goal. Teachers on the front have accumulated many interventions to interfere with the distraction of primary school students on the basis of rich teaching experience, but lack of the ability to translate realistic educational behavior into educational ideas, resulting in many scattered interventions to interfere with the distraction of primary school students. But there is a lack of systematic teaching intervention strategies and models.

1.2 Purpose of research

The level of attention of students has a direct impact on students’ absorption of knowledge and development of intelligence. In addition, lots of kids may not learn English before elementary school, so it is very important for them to develop good learning habits and lay a solid English foundation at the beginning. Thus, the purpose of this research is to observe and summarize the specific performance of pupils’ distractions in English classroom teaching, analyze the specific causes and propose corresponding intervention strategies.

1.3 Research design and methods

1.3.1 Research design

The author takes a primary school in Huai’an as a sample of the survey and focuses on the distraction of the junior students in English classes. Through observation, the author notices that the distraction of students in the English class is very common. So on this basis, the author analyzes the causes of the problems that arise in the current teaching situation, and come up with the corresponding intervention countermeasures.

A total of five parts are included in this thesis:

The first part mainly contains the purpose and meaning of the thesis, the way of research and the methods the author uses. It also includes the definition of the associated concept.

The second part is the investigation and research on pupils’ distraction in English classes. The survey mainly contains the questionnaires of teachers, students, interviews and the classroom observation records of the author, to deeply understand the current situation of the distraction of primary school students in English classroom teaching. On the basis of investigation and research, the author explores the factors of pupils’ distraction. Only when we find the crux of the problem, can we solve the problem more specifically.

Next is the third part. In this part, the author analyzes the reasons for pupils’ distraction in English classes. This part mainly analyzes the reasons from three aspects: students’ factor, teachers’ factor and environmental factor.

After analyzing the causes, the author provides some strategies of intervention for the students’ distraction in English classes.

The fifth part is a summary of the whole paper.

1.3.2 Research methods

In the course of the research, the main methods involved include:

Close-reading. By collecting relevant literature at home and abroad in educational monographs, periodicals, magazines and online Chinese periodicals, the author learns that attention refers to the direction and concentration of a person’s psychological activities on a certain object. (Zhang 48) Since the attention theory was introduced into our country, many scholars have studied it and made a lot of contributions. Most of them used attention as a learning strategy or studied the relationship between attention and learning outcome. Through the literature review, the author knows more about the law of pupils’ attention development and also finds that there is not so much research on pupils’ distraction in English class.

Investigation method. The author selects a primary school in Huai’an as a research sample and takes this school as the survey object. The subjects selected by the author include primary school students from the first grade to the fifth grade and primary school English teachers, and the English teachers have different genders, academic qualifications and age groups, and can represent most of the primary school students and primary school English teachers.

Table 1.1:Questionnaire survey on the pupils’ distraction

Types of questionnaire

Issued Number

Recalled Number

Valid Number

Effective Rate

Teacher questionnaire





Students questionnaire





Total number





1.4 Definition of distraction

Distraction is the process of diverting the attention of an individual or group from a desired area of focus and thereby blocking or diminishing the reception of desired information. Opposites to concentration, distraction shows up as someone’s attention cannot be centered so long on anything and transform the objects frequently, or someone relaxes his or her activity and lack of necessary intensity. (Ba, Yang 186)

Investigation on the Current Situation of Pupils’ Attention

2.1 Characteristics of pupils’ distraction in English class

The universality of pupils’ distraction

Table 2.1: Misbehavior in class (in teacher questionnaire)




Late for no reason, absenteeism



Leave seat casually



Talk to classmates



Snack in class



Write assignments in other disciplines



Take a nap



Interrupt the teacher’s speech



Do small moves in class






Read extracurricular books



From the chart above we can know that teachers believe that the phenomenon that pupils leave their seats and do small gestures casually is universal. Teachers describe this as saying that they always do things that have nothing to do with learning, take toys, school supplies, or put their hands where the teacher can’t see them, and when you look at him, he stops right away, and when you’re not looking at him, he continues to play or find something else to play with. Sometimes decorate an assignment for them to complete, in this process, they will play their pencils, as if he had to put something in his hand, but his attention is not in the classroom but in his toys. What’s more, many students seem to forget the rules that they need to get the teacher’s approval before leaving seats, they would go out to the toilet or take things from the cabinet anytime they want.

Periodic features of pupils’ distraction

Table 2.2: The time when primary school students are distracted

The time when they are distracted



At the beginning of class



When the class went on for some time



Just before the lesson ends



For the whole class



From the chart above we can know that in most circumstances, the time when students’ distraction appeared in the classroom for a while.

2.2 Performance of pupils’ distraction in English class

Poor Attention. Students who have a poor attention can’t and won’t focus their attention on accomplishing one thing. Usually, they will give up before the first thing is completed and turn to another thing. Also, when they are doing something, most of them are very perfunctory and wouldn’t pay attention to details. It is also very common to see that they have made some mistakes. Take an English activity class as an example, the teacher gives out the worksheet and asks the students to trace the words, color the picture and then cut it down. Those children who can stay on the ball would put their entire mind into those tasks or games. They may also pay attention to those details. So when the class is over, they could learn lots of English words or sentences from the game. However, pupils who have poor concentration will not enjoy the whole activity. Most of them just trace the half of words and then clamor to color the picture. When coloring the picture, they would ask for scissors because they’re bored with it and now they want to cut it down. Besides, pupils who have poor attention are often very absent-minded, in another word, they cannot listen to others intently and always forget the thing they should do. They usually show greatly impatience and repulsion to things which need focus and patience. I can often observe such kind of students in English class: They are all sitting on the seats properly looking rather serious like all the others, but when you observe them carefully or ask them some questions you will find that actually they are in a daze and nothing you said ever sunk in. When the teacher asks them to undertake one task, they often appear impatient, and their thoughts will even begin to digress when listening to specific rules or steps. Some of them would forget all the rules and steps although it has just a minute passed, so that most of them can’t complete their tasks on time. What’s more, this kind of students, especially pupils, can be easily affected by external things. If there are some new things when they are in classes, they will be distracted and it will take a long time for them to let their mind back to the class.

Hyperactivity .The most notable performance of this type of students is that it is difficult for them to follow the discipline in the classroom. They cannot sit on their seats quietly. When the teacher is talking, they always chat with each other or shake their feet for the whole class. Although on a serious matter such as a meeting or a flag-raising ceremony, they can’t keep quite either. Such kind of kids has a large amount of physical activity and it is difficult for them to stop doing it and just sit on the chair calmly. They have difficulty in keeping quiet and usually do something that not allowed in classes which would affect other students’ attention, that’ s why they’ve been a real problem for many teachers.

Reasons of Pupils’ Distractions in English Classes

3.1 Students’ factors

3.1.1 Physiological factors of students

In terms of the development of pupils’ physiological, age is an important factor that affects students’ attention. According to the psychology research, children’s attention spans would increase as kids age: the attention span of five-or six-year-old kids can last ten to fifteen minutes, kids from seven to ten can stay focused for fifteen to twenty minutes, ten to twelve, twenty to thirty minutes and students who are over twelve years old can keep focused for more than thirty minutes.(Ba, Yang 186) From this, we can find the reason why the phenomenon of distractions in lower grades is worse than that of higher grades.

Physiologically,many kinds of students’ body functions haven’t attained maturity, their nervous systems are still in the process of development, so that distractions in class can be also affected by the delaying of development.

Junior students cannot understand the knowledge very quickly because of their immature ability. Junior students in primary school haven’t attained the well-developed intelligence. There still has some space for them to progress. What’s more, different students have different levels of understanding-capacity, so there will always be a part of students cannot follow the teacher’s thought and get useful information from what the teacher teach. In English activity, they can only follow by rote without any thinking. They may be very happy in these activities, however, you can find that they master nothing after the class. More so, it may appear that the more lively they class is, the poorer efficiency it will be. To the knowledge they can’t understand, pupils seldom have interest and motivation to learn, thus they won’t pay attention to the class and what they want to do is just going outside and having fun. Especially in English classes, on one hand pupils feel curious about this language, but on the other hand, learning a second language is surely difficult. And it will take a long time for junior students in primary school to understand the content the teacher said, what they can do is just imitate other students or waiting for the translation from the teacher. Therefore, it would be more difficult for them to stay focused for a long time.

Lower grade students’ self-control is very poor. In a manner of speaking, doing little affectations, walking around and so on are all caused by lacking of self-control. It may be easy for adults to control themselves not to do some inappropriate things, what’s more, before doing something, they may still weight the advantages and disadvantages to decide whether do it or not. But according to the child psychological development rules, many kinds of personality psychology of primary school students are forming but not mature. They cannot control lots of things--including control themselves. Immature psychological quality will lead to the weaken of students’ independence and motivation of study, so that they can’t regulate their action according to true principles. When they want to do something, they just do it at once without thinking whether it is good or bad, therefore poor self-control is also a reason of pupils’ distractions.

3.1.2 Psychological factors of students

First of all, the psychological quality of primary school students is not yet sound. For example, self-confidence, responsibility, and self-time management skills are still not perfect, which leads to poor learning initiative, lack of positive learning attitude, and poor self-control. Secondly, the cognitive level of primary school students is different. Some students can master the content which the teacher teaches very quickly because they have well-developed cognitive ability. Therefore, when the content is mentioned again in the class, they will lose interest and cannot stay focused in the class. At the same time, some students have poor cognitive ability; they have to take a long time to perceive something new. Therefore, sometimes they will not understand what the teacher is saying, which also causes distraction.

3.2 Teachers’ factors

3.2.1 Incorrect view of education

Under the influence of the traditional environment of test-oriented education, there are still many teachers who unilaterally pursue students’ academic achievements and neglect the overall development of students. In this case, some teachers only pay attention to the filling of knowledge, the pressure of students is too hard, and so their interest in learning is reduced, which affects the concentration of attention. What’s more, some teachers don’t have a scientific viewpoint of student, they divide the students of a class into good and bad, for students with poor academic performance or problematic behavior, and they have a disgusted attitude, do not respect the students’ self-esteem, and seriously dampen the students’ initiative. Over time, some students will give up on themselves and will not concentrate on listening to classes.

3.2.2 Ignoring communication with students

In a class, especially a large class, some students seldom gets personal attention from the teacher. They can’t experience the joy of success so it is very hard for them to truly love the teacher. And in that case, they may attempt and accomplish nothing. All of the students, particularly the poor students, they really want to get teacher’s attention and hope that they can become a friend with their teachers and communicate with them frequently. Thus it can be seen that how much teaching efficiency the teacher can gain is proportional to how much emotion he or she gives to the students. That is to say, if the teacher puts more emotion on his or her students, then the students will arrange their conduct and behavior with a matter of friendship and project their love for the teacher on the subject the teacher teach, then they will improve their concentration naturally. It can be seen that the phenomenon of pupils’ distractions may be caused by the lack of communication. If the teacher couldn’t make good use of the emotion between he and his students to arouse students’ enthusiasm of studying, there will be an emotional barrier between them, the students’ concentration will drop.

3.2.3 Neglecting the lead-in part

At the beginning of each English class, it is very easy for the teachers to neglect the class introduction. Most of them would roughly review the knowledge or content of last class and then begin to teach the new knowledge point. They don’t adopt the suitable ways of lead-in and cannot draw students’ attention effectively, so the students have difficulty in getting in the learning state quickly which will affect the following steps of the whole class. Relatively speaking, pupils tend to be livelier, active and out of control. During breaks, they have many kinds of activities to do, so it will be difficult for teachers to control the classroom if they couldn’t get the students’ attention in the beginning of the class. During the internship I have observed such a phenomenon: the grateful teachers often like to play a video or a song at the end of the break, most of the students would be attracted by it and then, the teacher can control the whole class very quickly. Some teachers who usually neglect the lead-in of the class often complain that it takes them a lot of time to calm those students down and draw their attention. Then there isn’t enough time for them to teach all the key points. After an observation I found a common point on them: teaching without enough preparation for the lead-in step. Most of them just ask the students back to their seats and then start the class.

3.2.4 Obsolete teaching methods

The methods the teacher uses are very timeworn or very single. Under the influence of traditional educational concepts, many teachers still follow the teacher-centered teaching philosophy. This kind of teaching method is very stiff and cannot show the vividness of the language. It may restraint the students’ desire to express. As time goes on, students will naturally divert their attention. What’s more, it is not easy for adults to stay focused during the whole forty minutes, let alone for the primary schools students. Therefore, it is very important for teachers to choose appropriate teaching methods in line with the pupils’ characteristics. However, there still are numbers of teachers do not have the enthusiasm to prepare different methods of teaching. They just repeat the same way in all the classes such as reviewing the learned words ——teaching the new words ——practicing, which can easily lead to students’ boredom and distractions.

3.2.5 Improper selection of teaching content

Attention is the selective concentration of one aspect of the environment. (Anderson 519) In addition, working memory will filter information according to its importance. The important information will be refined, and unimportant information will be forgotten. (Norman 522) That is to say, if the content shown by the teacher is not chosen by the students’ attention, the information will be difficult for the students to master. Because of their age, junior students in primary schools can show their love or hate of each class directly. If the content the teacher chooses is not the one they want to know urgently, it will be very difficult to arouse their interests and let them focus on the knowledge for a long time. During the process of teaching, some teachers just teach according to the textbooks instead of adding or cutting out some contents to adapt to the true levels or characteristics of their students. What’s more, some teachers cannot link the textbook to the true life, and some knowledge is a little bit difficult for the students to understand and then some of them may distract. In addition, some teachers neglect the switch between different contents and always talking about just one point of knowledge in a class, over time, students will feel tired of it and don’t want to keep listening.

3.2.6 Poor feedback

As a language skill, English learning should take the learner a lot of training and practices. So in the English classes, it is very necessary for teachers to focus on training students’ listening and speaking in the class. When doing the practice, many students may make some mistakes. These mistakes will easily lead to different levels of mental blocks such as poor confidence and fear of making mistakes which will greatly affect students’ concentration. In some English classes, teachers pay much attention to the teaching contents and forget to feedback on time, students may easily divert their attention because they cannot feel the concern from teachers. On the other hand, the way of evaluation is still very important, if the teachers always say ‘good’ to all their behaviors, students may think that the teacher is just muddling on.

3.2.7 Dull language of teachers

In an English class, pupils’ attention can be easily affected by the teacher’s language. Just imagine what would happen if the teacher finish a whole lesson in just one tone. In this study, I find that most students are able to capture the teacher’s tongue changes. In addition, many pupils also say that they may feel sleepy when the teacher teaches in a very dull tone for a long time.

3.3 Environmental factors

3.3.1 School environment

In addition to the two factors mentioned above, the environment is also one of the factors that affect students’ attention in class. The bulletin boards, slogans, cultural wall and cultural activities will all cause varying degrees influences to the students. Positive and vivifying slogans and so on will have positive effect to the learning atmosphere. If the students study in a motivated learning atmosphere, their consciousness and initiative of leaning will be raised naturally, and the phenomenon of distractions will surely decrease. On the contrary, if the climate of the school is loose and negative, the students in this school will hardly have much motivation to learn more knowledge, the most common thing they do in the class must be distractions. What’s more, pupils’ attention can be easily attracted by some new things, if the classroom is decorated too bizarre, the students will be influenced by these things in the class and cannot keep focused.

3.3.2 Family environment

Family environment can also play an important role in students’ learning. The students who live in a harmonious family, whose parents are all highly-educated, and the way they are educated is democratic will tend to have a more perfect personality. Otherwise if they live in an inharmonious family or the way they are educated is rude, they will be negatively affected and when they are in the class, they may divert attention from the class because of the things happened in their family.

3.3.3 Social environment

Nowadays, with the deeper construction of spiritual and material civilization, the way the students amuse will never be single. Psychological research has found that excessive use of electronic products narrows the attention of students, making it difficult for students to become interested in static learning.(Huang 73) In addition, a lot of students will be attracted by so many amusements and neglect the importance of learning and cannot stay focused on the class. Thus it can be seen that a complicated society can also affect students’ learning positively or negatively, the old story “Moving three evictions” can also reflect it.

Solutions to Pupils’ distraction in English Classes

Students’ introspection

As students, they need to monitor themselves and remind themselves not to be distracted. Only when the students consciously correct this mistake can the teachers help them improve their grades easier. In addition, students can also help each other. When you find that your classmates are distracted, you can remind them in time. If you realize that you can’t help distract yourself in class, you can also ask your the one you share the same desk to monitor you.

4.2 Developing teachers’ personal fascination

4.2.1 Communicating more with students

To the students who often distract in the class, teachers should communicate with them frequently to let them feel the love and concern from teachers. During the communication, you can learn about the reasons why don’t they want to listen to the teacher, also, you can teach them some learning methods to help them correct the distractions. What’s more, communication can also give us a chance to collect the suggestions from students and make our teaching better; it can be a good chance for us to be a good friend with our students.

4.2.2 Using vivid and attractive language

If the teacher uses a flat language to teach the lesson, it will be very easy for them to distract. We can achieve good efficiency by using vivid and attractive language. Take an English class for example, the main content is a little story “Bear Hunt”, the teaching efficiency of that class is very good, then I find that the main characteristic of the class is the vivid language. At the beginning of the class, the teacher introduced the content vividly to attract students’ attention, when the story comes to “I’m going on a bear hunt, I’m going to catch a big one! What a beautiful day! We are not scared!” the teacher sung it out with various finger movements. After several repetitions, most of the students could sing with the teachers. Thus if the teacher can use more vivid language to teach the pupils, their distractions can be reduced greatly.

4.3 Choosing teaching methods flexibly

4.3.1 Making the full use of multimedia technology

Teaching with just a chalk and a book has been out of date and multimedia teaching has become a new teaching method nowadays. (Zhang 48) Multimedia teaching can provide teachers and students with a variety of audiovisual materials. This will help teachers to create a more active learning environment. When the learning atmosphere is active, the learning motivation of students will be correspondingly improved. In English class, the teacher can download some English short films or English games, when you find that many students seemed to be bored, you can use them to draw their thoughts back to the class.

4.3.2 Enriching teaching methods

Traditional teaching process is teaching step by step, however, changeless class will make those students feel bored and spiritless. Therefore, we should create more changeable and active class to increase the teaching efficiency and draw pupils’ attention. The activities we use can be diversiform; we can choose collective activity, group activity, and individual activity according to the truth. Here is an example: it is an English class about bugs, I sat up an English show for students to act out the short passage. Most of the students showed great interests in this activity and pay lots of attention to the class, and then, they mastered the words and sentences of the passage during the activity.

4.3.3 Attaching importance to the lead-in of the class

Effective introduction of the class can make the students’ mind back to the class quickly and let them prepare for the class on time. English teachers need to be deeply aware of the importance of warming-up and prepare well for this step. At the beginning of the class, you can create a suitable situation by telling a story, playing a video or listening to a song to lead into the main topic. If you can do well in this step, you will find it can be easier to draw most of the students’ attention. For example, when I was going to teach the topic of nature, I played an audio about nature at the very first, the audio contains bird-call, pitter-patter and the rustle of the wind through the leaves and so on. When the audio is on, all of the students picked their ears and asked others to keep quiet. After the audio, I showed them some pictures of the nature and asked some students to point to the things that included in the audio. That way, students’ initiatives have been arouse and they showed great interests in learning the words like flower, wind, cloud and ocean. To my surprise, they stayed focused for a very long time.

4.3.4 Choosing suitable contents

In English classes, the teachers should add or cut the contents to make the knowledge you teach be more suitable for the primary school students. Only in this way, can the students understand and then master the content quickly. What’s more, although the pupils like to see the new things, when they are faced with a completely new thing, their attention still cannot last long. On the contrary, if they just know a little part of the thing and don’t understand the whole thing, they will be more curious about it and then they could stay focused for a longer time. If the teacher can make use of this characteristic, the teaching efficiency may be much better.

4.4 Optimizing evaluation methods

As we all know, children like to be praised by others. Especially for teachers, optimizing the evaluation system and giving more feedback to students may make their students naturally become more confident and constrain themselves with higher standards. During the English classes, we can encourage students to practice speaking more. Besides, the methods we use to evaluate should not be changeless. We should also try to enrich our words of evaluation.

4.5 Improving the environment

In the school environment aspect, we need to improve the learning environment and pay attention to the cultural atmosphere. Besides, teachers should also strengthen the home-school communication which can help both sides learn more about the students and then make the students conquer the distractions. When it comes to the social environment, what can we do is guide the students to the right way and help them evade the unfavorable factors on their own initiative in order to reduce the phenomenon of pupils’ distractions.

5. Conclusion

The factors that lead to pupils’ distractions are complex and various. Teachers should analyze the factors carefully and patiently and then improve their teaching efficiency actively from the aspects of lead-in, teaching methods, evaluation methods and so on according to the physical truth.

Works Cited

Anderson, JR. “Cognitive psychology and its implications.” Worth Publishers (2004): 519


[Ba Xiaona, Yang Yanmei. “The Causes and Countermeasures of Primary School Students’ Attention Deficit.” Intelligence 12 (2012):186.]

黄碧娥:《小学生注意力培养实践浅析》. 《中小学德育》,10(2018):73-74

[Huang Bi’e. “Brief Analysis on the Practice of Pupils’ Attention Training.” Elementary and Secondary Moral Education 10 (2018):73-74.]

Norman, D.A. “Toward a Theory of Memory and Attention.” Psychological Review (1968):522-536.

Schmidt, R. “The Role of Consciousness in Second Language Learning.” Applied Linguistics (1990): 129-158.

张志豪:《学生注意力分散的原因及对策》. 《文学教育》,7(2012)48.

[Zhang Zhihao. “The Factors and Solutions of Students’ Distraction.” Literature Education 7 (2012): 48.]

Appendix I

淮安市淮阴区部分小学生课堂注意力的情况调查问卷 (教师)




  1. 请在下列选项中选择一些在您课上出现较多的问题行为:(可多选)
  2. 做小动作 B、随意下座位

C、与同学说话 D、随意吃零食

  1. 无故缺席 F、写无关作业
  2. 随意打断老师讲话 H、看漫画、无关故事书

I、打盹 J、发呆

  1. 你认为课堂注意分散是正常情况吗?( )
  2. 非常正常,每节课都会出现所以不用在意
  3. 比较正常,但不用太在乎
  4. 不正常,必须制止
  5. 如果有学生在您的课堂上开小差甚至睡觉,你会?(可多选) ( )
  6. 点名提醒该同学 B、提开小差的同学回答问题
  7. 睁一只眼闭一只眼 D、课后找学生谈话

E、 改变语调以吸引学生注意 F、拿粉笔砸他


  1. 在课堂中,你会留意学生的上课状态吗?( )
  2. 总是 B、经常 C、偶尔 D、从不
  3. 为了观察学生上课状态,你会留意学生的(可多选) ( )
  4. 坐姿 B、表情 C、回答问题的声音 D、其他,__________
  5. 你认为学生注意力分散普遍出现在?( )
  6. 课堂开始15分钟前 B、课堂开始15分钟后

C、课堂结束前15分钟 D、全部45分钟

  1. 你一般会采用哪些方法来提升学生注意力?(可多选)( )
  2. 课堂提问 B、有趣的互动

C、让学生动手做练习 D、小组合作 E、其他_________________

  1. 上课时,你比较习惯用什么语言?
  2. 家乡话 B、普通话 C、英语 D、英语 普通话
  3. 你使用多媒体教学的频率是?( )

A、总是 B、经常 C、偶尔 D、从不

  1. 对于课本教材内容,你会( )
  2. 按部就班的上课,无挑选或删改
  3. 根据学生情况有选择地使用
  4. 按照自己的喜好来上课
  5. 在备课阶段,你会怎样设计课堂进程?( )
  6. 细化课堂细节,尽量让课堂紧凑自然
  7. 备一部分流程,其他部分靠临场发挥
  8. 无需备课,直接靠经验和临场发挥上课
  9. 每节课正式开始之前,你会导入课程吗?
  10. 会,导入很重要



13. 在课堂中,你会注重变化自己的语调吗?( )

A、总是 B、经常 C、偶尔 D、从不

16. 在学生回答问题或上交作业后,你会及时反馈吗?( )

A、当即反馈 B、视情况而定,但一定会反馈 C、不反馈


Appendix II

淮安市淮阴区部分小学生课堂注意力的情况调查问卷 (学生)



  1. 课堂中,你发生过以下哪几种行为?(可多选)

A、做小动作 B、随意下座位

C、与同学说话 D、随意吃零食

E、无故缺席 F、写无关作业

G、随意打断老师讲话 H、看漫画、无关故事书


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