
 2023-03-29 15:19:44


摘 要




Analysis on the role of Chinese enterprises "going out" strategy in China"s industrial upgrading

-- a case study of household appliance industry


Since the implementation of openness and reform policy, the home appliance industry has developed very fast. After the Accession to the WTO, home appliance industry execute the "going global” Strategy activity. So far China"s household electrical appliances have been successfully established itself in the world"s appliance market, the market share increased year by year in the international market. China is a big exporter of household electric appliance in the world and it is worthy of the name. In the process of going out, Chinese enterprises have the experience of success in foreign markets. But in the meantime, there are those in the face of a complicated international environment and increasingly scorching international competition. The obstacles which Chinese enterprises are facing with will lead to China"s household appliances to industrial upgrading, which in order to adapt to the new competitive market environment, improve the comprehensive competitiveness of home appliances industry. In this paper, Michaele.Porter’s competition theory is used to analyze the "going global "mode of China"s household electrical appliance industry, and research the way of upgrading our home appliance industry and possible countermeasures.

[Key words] China"s household electrical appliances; going global; industry upgrade


第一章 引 言 1

1.1 研究背景 1

1.2 文献综述 1

1.3 研究方法 1

第二章 中国家电行业“走出去”模式 2

2.1 产品出口模式 2

2.2 投资进入模式 2

2.2.1 独资进入模式 2

2.2.2 合资进入模式 3

2.3 贴牌生产和自创品牌相结合模式 3

2.4 中国家电“走出去”过程中遇到的障碍 3

2.4.1 技术性贸易措施 3

2.4.2 与外国品牌的竞争 5

第三章 经济学理论分析 6

3.1 波特五力模型 6

3.1.1 供应商讨价还价的能力 6

3.1.2 买方讨价还价的能力 6

3.1.3 当前竞争的激烈程度 6

3.1.4 替代品的威胁 7

3.2 波特三类成功型竞争策略 7

3.2.1 总成本领先战略 7

3.2.2 差异化战略 8

3.2.3 专一化战略 8

3.3 价值链理论 8

3.3.1 价值链理论的发展 8

3.3.2 全球价值链的企业集群升级 9

第四章 “走出去”战略推动中国家电产业优化升级 10

4.1 中国家电“走出去”必须依赖产业升级 10

第五章 中国家电产业的升级对策 11

5.1 技术创新是中国家电产业升级的重要动力 12

5.2 贸易是中国家电企业转型升级的外在动力 12

5.3 打造品牌促进产业升级 12

5.3.1 明确企业核心竞争能力 12

5.3.2 树立品牌意识促进家电产业升级 13

5.4 产业集群促进产业升级 13

5.4.1 要重视产业集群在全球价值链上的升级问题 13

5.4.2 选择适当的升级路径 13

5.4.3 政府在产业升级中的作用 13

第六章 结  论 14

参考文献 15

谢 辞 17

第一章 引 言

1.1 研究背景


1.2 文献综述


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