
 2023-01-11 08:39:45


摘 要




Research on Executive Salary and Corporate Governance Decision


With the rapid progress of the current world economy and the improvement of the transparency of executive compensation information of listed companies, some news reports about the "expensive and high salaries" of executives have attracted widespread attention from the general public. As the managers of various affairs in the daily work of the enterprise and the implementers of important strategies, senior managers directly influence the rise and fall and success of the development of the entire enterprise. In the increasingly fierce international market economic environment, it determines the situation that managers are motivated by salary and affects the productivity and efficiency of senior managers.

This paper first describes the current development of executive compensation in China, clarifies the harm caused by high executive compensation to the company, and carries out a detailed analysis of high executive compensation from the internal and external aspects of corporate governance. Secondly, in view of this phenomenon, the author puts forward some suggestions to solve the problem of excessive executive compensation. Finally, the case of executive compensation is listed. Taking the Bank of Ningbo as an example, the problems existing in executive compensation of the Bank of Ningbo are analyzed, and the measures to solve the problems in executive compensation of the Bank of Ningbo are proposed, and the corporate governance structure is improved, so as to make reasonable and effective executive compensation decisions for the enterprise.

Keywords: Executives; Salary; Corporate Governance

目 录

摘 要 I

Abstract II

第一章 绪 论 1

1.1 研究目的 1

1.2 研究意义 1

第二章 相关概念及文献综述 2

2.1 高管薪酬与公司治理的概念的界定 2

2.1.1 高级管理人员 2

2.1.2 薪酬 2

2.1.3 公司治理 2

2.2 公司治理对高管薪酬的影响 3

2.2.1 董事会与高管薪酬 3

2.2.2 股东大会与高管薪酬 3

2.2.3 经理层与高管薪酬 3

2.2.4 监事会与高管薪酬 3

2.2.5 经理人市场与高管薪酬 4

2.3 文献综述 4

第三章 我国高管薪酬现状及其原因分析 6

3.1 我国高管薪酬目前发展的状况 6

3.1.1 高管人员薪酬呈总体增长趋势 6

3.1.2 高管薪酬结构不合理,形式单一 6

3.1.3 高管薪酬与绩效脱节 6

3.2 我国高管薪酬畸高造成的问题 7

3.2.1 对公司治理产生严重的损害和冲击 7

3.2.2 极大地损害了公司股东的合法利益 7

3.2.3 过于注重短期报酬,忽视长期绩效 7

3.3 我国高管薪酬过高的原因分析 7

3.3.1 董事会监督流于形式 7

3.3.2 独立董事不独立 7

3.3.3 股东“一股独大” 7

3.3.4 内部人控制现象严重 8

3.3.5 监事会监管形同虚设 8

3.3.6 经理人市场未健全 8

第四章 完善我国高管薪酬规制的建议 9

4.1 建立董事会的核心地位 9

4.2 完善独立董事监督职能 9

4.3 改变股东缺位现状 9

4.4 完善经理层激励制度 9

4.5 完善监事会监督职能 9

4.6 加快经理人市场的建立和完善 10

第五章 高管薪酬案例分析——基于宁波银行 11

5.1 宁波银行案例简介 11

5.1.1 宁波银行简介 11

5.1.2 宁波银行高管薪酬简介 11

5.2 宁波银行高管薪酬存在问题的成因 12

5.2.1 董事会责任淡化 12

5.2.2 董事会规模过大 12

5.2.3 独立董事缺乏独立性 13

5.2.4 监事会形同虚设 13

5.2.5 薪酬结构单一 13

5.2.6 绩效薪酬考核机制不完善 13

5.3 解决宁波银行公司治理对高管薪酬影响的问题 13

5.3.1 进一步完善董事会、监事会的功能 13

5.3.2 进一步加强董事会、监事会的独立性 13

5.3.3 合理确定董事会的规模及结构 14

5.3.4 完善绩效薪酬考核机制 14

5.4 宁波银行案例的启示 14

结 论 15

致 谢 16

参考文献 17

第一章 绪 论

1.1 研究目的



1.2 研究意义



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