
 2022-07-11 08:07


摘 要






Design and Implementation of Student Mental Health Assessment System Algorithm Based on Artificial Intelligence

07314120 Wang Hanbin

Superised by Jiang Feng


Artificial intelligence is one of the rapidly developing disciplines in recent years. In the future, the application of related technologies in various fields has attracted much attention. This topic uses a java program algorithm based on BP neural network model to train a set of assessment test questionnaires on whether college students have depression or anxiety problems and their degree, so as to obtain a set of evaluation algorithms.

Firstly, based on the existing two sets of test questions on depression test and anxiety test respectively, a set of randomly generated samples containing different levels of depression and possible behavioral features and a set of different levels of anxiety are included. Samples of behavioral characteristics were combined to obtain a set of samples containing information on both aspects of depression and anxiety.

Second, depression level and anxiety level of the pre-combination sample are taken as the ideal output results. The combined samples are trained by the BP neural network algorithm, and the network structure is continuously optimized during the training process to obtain a set of trained BP neural network weights. matrix.

At last,according to the BP neural network algorithm model initialized by the trained weight matrix, the behavior of a group of test subjects can be used to assess the depression and anxiety of the test subject, which is the evaluation algorithm model of the target.

Keywords:BP neural network, java program algorithm, Mental health assessment algorithm

目 录

摘要 3

第一章 引言 3

1.1 研究背景与意义 3

1.2 文献综述 3

1.3 人工神经网络基本概念 4

1.3.1 人工神经网络的定义 4

1.3.2 简单人工神经元模型 4

1.3.3 人工神经网络模型分类 5

第二章 BP神经网络学习算法 7

2.1 BP神经网络模型 7

2.2 BP神经网络学习算法 8

2.2.1输入信号正向传递 8

2.2.2 误差反向传播与权值阈值更新增量 8

2.2.3 网络权值阈值更新公式 9

2.3 动态结构神经网络 10

2.3.1 动态增加神经元提高训练效率 10

2.3.2 动态删减神经元简化网络结构 11

第三章 java模型实现 13

3.1 训练样本类TestSampleCreater 13

3.2 BP神经网络模型类BP 20

3.2.1 神经网络网络初始化 21

3.2.2 信号正向传递、误差反向传播、更新网络权值 23

3.3.3 无反馈预测、打印权值矩阵 24

3.3.4 增减隐含层神经元 25

3.3动态调节神经元类BPChanger 27

3.3.1 动态增加神经元提高训练效率 27

3.3.2 动态删减冗余神经元简化网络结构 29

3.4 训练过程、输出与结果调用 32

3.4.1 训练过程 32

3.4.2 训练输出结果 34

3.4.3 对结果的调用 37

第四章 总结 39

4.1 结果与分析 39

4.2不足与拓展 40

参考文献 42

致 谢 43

附录A 测试题目 44

第一章 引言

1.1 研究背景与意义



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