
 2022-01-17 11:01


目 录

摘要 Ⅰ

Abstract Ⅱ

1 绪论 1

1.1.项目研究的意义和目的 1

1.1.1. 项目研究的意义 1

1.1.2. 项目研究的目的 1

1.2.考场自动安排系统概述 1

2 开发工具JAVA,ORACLE简介 1

2.1. Java的特点 1

2.1.1. Java的特点描述 1

2.2. ORACLE的特点 2

3 概要设计 2

3.1. 简单概要设计 2

4 主要算法 3

4.1. 排考算法 3

4.2. 教室安排算法 3

4.3. 时间安排算法 4

4.4. 监考安排算法 4

5. 详细设计 8

5.1. 系统功能模块 8

5.2. 系统数据库设计 13

5.2.1. 数据库需求分析 13

6. 系统运行与调试 18

6.1 系统测试方案 18

6.2 测试结果分析与调试 18

7. 总结 20

参考文献 21

致谢 22



Abstract : In computer technology and a wide range of applications to mobile devices in people's work, life and study, the traditional examination arrangement is not practical, the traditional examination arrangement system is not only expensive labor, and it is not convenient to transmit information, and the examination room automatic arrangement system can through the existing computer technology to solve this problem.Examination room automatic arrangement system based on computer technology is an extension of the traditional examination room arrangement, combined with the database technology, greatly simplifies the examination room arrangement method, students and enhance the teacher to obtain the test information related to the safety of personnel data.So the examination room automatic arrangement system is the development trend of future teaching management.
This system the examinee, teachers and test affairs administrators through a user name and password to log in and get the test information, server management personnel transfer corresponding students, time, the classroom, the teachers and course information, through the automatic arrangement system, make full use of resources, to generate reasonable examination and examination arrangement plan, improve the teaching of intelligent.Therefore, the use of computer technology to realize the automatic examination room arrangement will be the inevitable developing law of teaching management in the future.
This system to realize the data server management, students and teachers can use the client login information query, according to the needs of users, formally adopted B/S and C/S two kinds of architecture pattern, the function to adopt multi-layer software architecture function, technology based on MVC based on user-defined Structs Spring framework and UIMS user interface management system architecture, and advanced JSP technology based on Java programming language, using XML configuration and DAO, Hibernate technology to achieve the examination of related functions.

Keywords: automatic arrangement system;Intelligent;B/S;MVC;The JSP


1.1 项目研究的意义和目的

1.1.1 项目研究的意义


1.1.2 项目研究的目的



1.2 考场自动安排系统概述


2 开发工具Java、ORACLE简介

2.1 Java的特点

2.1.1 Java的特点描述

Java是一种面向对象的程序设计语言,它可以实现跨平台软件的编写。Java 编程语言拥有非常好的通用性、高效性、平台移植性和安全性,PC技术、数据中心、移动应用、智能安全设备、集成产品、虚拟交易、科学超级计算机、移动电话和互联网都涉及到了Java技术的使用,并且Java的开发社区也是全球最优秀的社区。Java 编程语言具有非常多的特性和优点,能够非常简单的实现面向对象、分布式、与安全和系统无关的高性能多线程系统,并且所实现的系统具有很好的解释性、健壮性和可移植性[1]。在众多开发语言中,涉及到团队开发,很多会优先选择Java,Java对实现规范化的具有明显优势,这也是众多团队开发项目选择Java作为开发语言的关键所在:针对Java拥有的这些优点,本文开发的考场自动安排系统也选择Java语言作为开发语言。

2.2 ORACLE的特点

Oracle Database,又名Oracle RDBMS,或简称Oracle,是甲骨文公司开发的数据库系统。Oracle 数据库是目前各个产品中使用最多的数据库系统,在使用数量上一直领先于其它数据库产品,Oracle 数据库如此的受欢迎,原因在于Oracle实现的数据库系统可移植性好、使用方便、功能强,适用于各类大、中、小、微机环境。更为重要的是它非常高效和可靠,能够实现高吞吐量的数据库系统架构[2]



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