
 2022-01-17 11:01


目 录

1. 绪论 1

1.1研究背景 1

1.2研究目的和意义 2

1.3研究内容 2

1.4国内外研究现状 2

2.高新产业与城市竞争力相关理论 3

2.1相关概念 3

2.1.1高新技术 3

2.1.2 高新产业 4

2.1.3 城市竞争力 4

2.2相关理论 4

2.2.1 高新产业发展理论 4

2.2.2 城市发展理论 5

3. 南京高新技术产业与经济发展现状分析-与杭州对比 5

3.1南京市高新技术产业与经济发展现状 5

3.1.1 南京市高新产业发展现状 5

3.1.2 南京市经济发展现状 5

3.2南京与杭州高新产业与城市发展比较 6

3.2.1 杭州市高新产业发展现状 6

3.2.2 杭州经济发展现状 6

3.2.3南京与杭州发展水平比较 7

4.高新产业发展对南京市经济发展的实证分析 8

4.1实证研究方法与研究对象 8

4.1.1实证研究方法 8

4.1.2变量选取 8

4.2多元线性回归模型的建立 8

4.2.1 数据收集究意义 9

4.2.2 模型建立究意义 9

4.3多元线性回归模型的结果 9

4.3.1描述性统计 9

4.3.2 线性回归的结果 9

4.3.3 模型适应性检验 12

5. 结论和建议 13

5.1结论 13

5.2建议 14

5.2.1大力发展高新技术产业创新能力 14

5.2.2 提升产业核心竞争力 14

5.2.3 加大人才投入促进高新产业 14

参考文献 14

致 谢 16




Abstract: Under the influence of economic integration and the wave of knowledge globalization, China’s mode economic growth model has gradually shifted from high-speed to high-speed. The current economic development is closely related to scientific and technological innovation, and high-tech has become the first lever of economic development, the transformation of the economic model is more dependent on the drive of high technology, and the development of high-tech industries has become the main goal of world economic development and is an important way to increase the overall national strength. Nanjing is the main economic force of Jiangsu Province. After more than 20 years of development, the high-tech industry has gradually become one of the pillar industries in Nanjing. The economic development of Hangzhou has always been better than that of Nanjing, but in recent years, the economic disparity between the two has been getting smaller and smaller, and the competitiveness of Nanjing has become increasingly high. Therefore, it is of great significance to study whether Nanjing cities have greatly improved their urban competitiveness due to the development of high-tech industries. It has strong practical significance to study the relationship between high-tech industries and urban competitiveness. This article reviews the theory of high-tech industries and urban competitiveness by consulting a large number of documents. Through the collection of panel data, it analyzes the research status of high-tech industries and urban competitiveness in Nanjing, and compares them with Hangzhou, and finally adopts multivariate data through panel data. The linear regression model empirically analyzes the impact of high-tech industries and urban competitiveness in Nanjing, and finds that Nanjing has developed rapidly from all aspects and has a narrower gap with Hangzhou. It has also positively affected the high-tech industry in Nanjing. The conclusion of economic development provides a theoretical basis and provides a reference for the economic development of other cities in China.

Keywords:High-tech industry; Nanjing; Hangzhou; Urban competitiveness; Economic level

1. 绪论

1.1 研究背景

高新技术产业是各省市在国家高技术产业统计范围(国家发改委、科技部等部门联合制定了我国高技术产业的界定范围)基础上,结合本区域发展实际,并扩充本地经济结构中科技含量高、关联带动效应强的行业,形成的产业集合的总称[1-2]。从1988 年的“火炬计划”以来,我国的高新技术得到了快速发展,经过这些年的大力发展,国家高新区的高兴产业取得了非常丰硕的成果,不仅不断的进行体制创新、优化结构以及引进优化人才,而且还大力推高新技术产业化、提高成果转化率以及给优秀人才提供了更多的创新创业机会。我国高新产业的发展是经济发展的一个重要推动力[3-4]

国内外研究表明[5-6],在这一大环境下,为了提高国家地位以及地区竞争力,发达国家与发展中国家均纷纷推动高新产业的发展,越来越多的高新产业区域逐渐建成,成为城市区域的一股潮流,但是在各个区域形成了不同高新产业区的同时,其经济发展也对应的产生了一定的差异。当前,关于高新产业发展与城市经济的关系吸引了大量国内外研究者[7-9],已有一定的研究基础。曹欣欣 [10]等人研究发现高新产业对山东GDP有极大的促进作用。初睿[11]等人研究了以中关村高新技术园区为例研究了其高新产业总收入增长动力,结果发现,其能大大促进经济发展从而促进了其发展竞争力。


1.2 研究目的和意义


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