
 2022-01-17 11:01


目 录

摘要 III

Abstract IV

1 引言 1

1.1 研究背景 1

1.1.1 研究意义 1

1.1.2 研究现状 1

1.2 智能制造的内涵 2

2 智能制造相关研究综述 3

2.1 关于智能制造的国外研究综述 4

2.2 关于智能制造的国内文献综述 5

3 中国与各发达国家的智能制造发展战略阐释 6

3.1 美国智能制造发展战略 7

3.1.1 战略背景 7

3.1.2 战略推进 7

3.1.3 战略落实 8

3.2 德国智能制造发展战略 8

3.2.1 战略背景 9

3.2.2 战略推进 9

3.2.3 战略落实 10

3.3 英国智能制造发展战略 11

3.3.1 战略背景 11

3.3.2 战略推进 11

3.3.3 战略落实 12

3.4 日本智能制造发展战略 13

3.4.1 战略背景 13

3.4.2 战略推进 13

3.4.3 战略落实 14

3.5 中国智能制造发展战略 14

3.5.1 战略背景 15

3.5.2 战略推进 15

3.5.3 战略落实 15

4 主要发达国家智能制造战略比较分析 16

4.1 各国智能制造战略的相同特征 16

4.1.1 从“硬件制造”到“软性制造”的转型 16

4.1.2 从“物理”到“信息”的趋势 17

4.2 各国智能制造战略的主要特色 18

5 各发达国家智能制造战略对我国的启示 20

5.1 我国智能制造产业目前存在的主要问题 20

5.2 我国智能制造战略发展的启示与建议 21

参考文献 23

致 谢 25




Abstract: At present, with the rapid development of new technological revolutions and industrial changes on a global scale, the developed countries have taken the lead in promoting ‘intelligent manufacturing’ to the national strategic height. ‘Intelligent manufacturing’ has become the absolute direction of the transformation and development of the future manufacturing industry. Under this international situation, the Made in China 2025 strategy also focuses on the new development opportunities brought by ‘intelligent manufacturing’, and the development of ‘intelligent manufacturing’ has become an important breakthrough in the transformation and upgrading of traditional manufacturing industry, and it will also become an important building block for China’s manufacturing industry to take off. In view of this, this paper first collated the general situation of intelligent manufacturing in the United States, Germany, Britain, Japan and China. Then, it elaborated and analyzed the strategic focus and advancement measures for intelligent manufacturing in various developed countries, and then conducted a detailed comparative analysis of the similarities and main features between intelligent manufacturing strategies of the four developed countries through the comparative method. Through analysis, it is concluded that the common development of intelligent manufacturing in four developed countries is to focus on soft manufacturing and from ‘physics’ to ‘information’; the development priorities of various countries are also quite distinctive. By comparing the development strategy of intelligent manufacturing in China and developed countries, we can understand the advantages of the developed countries' intelligent manufacturing development strategy and find out the shortcomings of our country in this respect. So it can provide reference for the future development direction of our country's intelligent manufacturing development strategy and promote the healthy, orderly and stable development of intelligent manufacturing in China.

Key words: Intelligent manufacturing; Development strategy; Industrial revolution; Comparison

1 引言

1.1 研究背景


1.1.1 研究意义





1.1.2 研究现状


发达国家中,德国最先开始重视智能制造产业的发展,依托于其在几次工业革命过程中积累的制造技术水平优势,德国提出了“工业4.0”构想,以期能巩固本国在制造技术上的优势地位。在这一理论的引导下,德国的一些制造业协会和组织合作建立了工业4.0的发展平台,并且制定了相应的战略计划,计划明确了要使德国成为“智造技术”以及“CPS技术”这两者市场的主要提供者这一目标[2]。受德国影响,美国也开始针对工业产业实施变革,在智能制造领域发力,美国工业互联网联盟(Industrial Internet Consortium,IIC)主导了“工业互联网”计划。美国意图通过控制工业设计标准的制定权,以期使设备制造商能够共享部分甚至全部的数据和信息,并且由互联网技术将真实环境和虚拟环境交叉连接,改变以往传统的工业制造过程。与德国和美国的智能制造发展相应,2015年,日本制定了“机器人革命倡议协议”,以推广新的机器人战略,这一协议主要依托于大数据挖掘水平的提升,通过机器深度学习达成网络自律。随着科技水平不断进步,先进的技术(如人工智能等)已经能够支持智能制造的实践。西门子作为智能制造这一行业的领军者,已经建立了自己的智能工厂,初步实现了工厂内部的智能制造。它在德国建立的“安贝格工厂”,是整个欧洲最完善的现代工厂,其自动化程度非常高,基本上无需工人介入生产线。



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