
 2022-01-17 11:01


目 录

摘要 I

Abstract II

1 引言 1

1.1研究背景 1

1.2国内外研究进展 1

2 数据来源和数据处理 2

2.1数据来源 2

2.2数据处理 3

3 股票收益率数据概况 4

3.1股票收益率时序的概率分布特征 4

3.2股票对数收益率的描述性统计分析 7

4 ARIMA-EGARCH模型动态预测建模 8

4.1 ARMA模型和推广后的ARIMA模型 8

4.2 GARCH模型和推广后的EGARCH模型 9

4.3 基于ARIMA-EGARCH模型的股票收益率动态预测 11

4.3.1 对数收益率SGED分布 11

4.3.2 定参数预测模型实证分析 13

4.3.3 滚动窗口预测模型实证分析 17

4.4 ARIMA-EGARCH模型的评估分析 18

4.4.1 定参数模型评估 18

4.4.2 滚动窗口模型评估 22

5 总结 23

参考文献 24

附录 27

致谢 43



, China

Abstract: Nowadays, the securities market plays an increasingly important role in China's economy, especially in the stock market. Researching the characteristics and trends of stocks and providing reasonable investment strategies are of great significance to the national economy. This paper selects the data of the six leading stocks from 2015.1.5 to 2018.1.2 as the research object, and establishes the stock yield prediction model. According to the characteristics of spikes, tails, biases, leverage effects, and fluctuating aggregation of stock returns, this paper constructs the ARIMA-EGARCH forecast model under the Skew-GED distribution. This paper uses the daily logarithmic returns data fitting model of 2015.1.5-2017.10.23 to get the optimal parameters, 2017.10.24-2018.1.2 as an independent sample inspection period, this time period logarithmic yield data into the optimal parameter model, the simulation of the daily stock yield forecast, and the comparison of the real value and the predicted value, The Fitting Effect of Multiple Descriptive Statistics Evaluation Models such as Goodness of Fit and Residual Autocorrelation. The AIC values of the five stocks are all less than -4, and the fitting effect is good, but Vanke A shares are not suitable for this model. Aiming at the improvement model of China Vanke A shares, the introduction of a dynamic time window, establishment of a time window of 500 (approximately two years of stock data), and continuous updating of forecasting model parameters, to predict the next-period stock return value, and draw the comparison chart of the two-year cumulative rate of return versus the cumulative value of real rate of return and the original model. According to the performance check and the comparison chart of the inspection period, the model has a good effect, and the AIC value = -7.27 lt;-5.83. For the stock with no abnormal fluctuation, the ARIMA-EGARCH model under SGED distribution has better prediction effect. For stocks with longer time period, the rolling window dynamic model has better prediction effect.

Key words: Higher peak and fat tail; Skew-GED distribution; Constant parameter and variable parameter ARIMA-EGARCH dynamic prediction model

1 引言









世界上最早的证券交易所建立于荷兰,阿姆斯特丹证券交易所,随后英国、法国也相继建立证券交易所,美国第一所证券交易所纽约交易所建立于1811年。显而易见,西方证券市场已有长达 100 多年的发展历程,经济体制发展较好,证券市场较为成熟稳定,股票指数波动幅度相对较小[11]

由附图3可以看出2008年西方证券市场遭遇了一次巨大经济危机后,逐步上升,目前指数在24000-26000之间。在2015-2018年这一段曲线中,这也是我国证券市场动荡较大的两年,西方证券市场也从低谷逐步上升,Dow Jones工业平均股票市场指数[12]以较快的趋势上升至24000点以上,曾在2015中旬、2016年初跌至16000点以下,如附图3。





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