
 2022-01-17 11:01


目 录

一、 绪论 1

1.1 研究背景及意义

1.1.1 研究背景

1.1.2 研究意义

1.2 研究内容及方法

1.2.1 研究内容

1.2.2 研究方法

1.3 本文创新点

二、相关研究文献综述 5

2.1 共享经济研究综述

2.2 共享单车研究综述

2.3 综述总结

三、研究设计与问卷分析 7

3.1 调查指标设计

3.2 调查问卷设计

3.3 问卷的发放与收集

3.4 问卷的描述性分析

四、数据分析 8

4.1 信效度检验

4.1.1 信度分析

4.1.2 效度检验

4.2 共享单车使用满意度影响因素的因子分析

4.3 回归分析

五、结论及对策建议 14

5.1 研究结论

5.2 研究建议



参考文献 15

附录 16

致谢 18





Abstract: Shared economy refers to the owners of economic resources sharing their own resources that are not used temporarily through the Internet, and giving them economic forms that require the use of relatively low expenditures. With the development of the Internet and mobile Internet, the sharing economy has received widespread attention. As a major form of sharing economy, sharing bicycles has gained rapid development in recent years thanks to its convenience to the public. Especially college students are more interested in sharing bicycles. This point has also been well reflected in the college students in our university. Therefore, in order to study the satisfaction of sharing bicycle customers and its influencing factors, this article takes the college students of our university as the research object and evaluates the satisfaction of sharing bicycles. This article is based on previous research experience and achievements, based on the existing maturity theory. Through the questionnaire survey and empirical analysis methods, the research on the use of shared bicycle customers' satisfaction was conducted. The study found that the satisfaction of shared bicycle use is affected by factors such as ease of use, safety and environmental protection, design and maintenance, and economic costs.

Keywords: sharing bicycle; Satisfaction; Sharing economy






图 1 客户使用共享单车的意图(来源:中国产业信息网)

共享单车为 “最后一公里”的需求提供了一个良好的解决方法,根据企鹅智酷的研究指出,有61.3%的客户每次使用共享单车的时候,骑行距离都在3km以内。同时,调查显示,有65.9%的客户使用共享单车是将其作为公共交通的补充,而有趣的是有16.2%的客户是觉得可以通过共享单车进行社交活动。


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