
 2022-01-17 11:01


目 录

1 绪论 1

1.1 系统的现状 1

1.2 本课题的研究意义 1

2 系统主要开发工具 2

2.1主要开发技术介绍 2

2.2 SQL Server 2014简介 2

2.3 Myeclipse 简介 3

2.4 Tomcat简介 3

3 系统需求 3

3.1 可行性分析 3

3.1.1 技术及开发方法可行性 3

3.1.2 管理可行性 4

3.1.3 经济可行性 4

3.2 系统的功能分析 4

3.2.1 学生用户功能模块 4

3.2.2 企业用户功能模块 5

3.2.3 管理员功能模块 6

3.3 系统流程图 6

3.3.1注册流程分析 6

3.3.2登录流程分析 7

3.3.3管理员后台管理流程分析 8

4 系统模块整体设计 9

4.1 数据库设计分析 9

4.2 数据库结构分析 9

4.3 数据库概念结构设计 9

4.4 数据库逻辑结构设计 13

5 系统详细设计和实现 20

5.1首页设计 20

5.1.1岗位需求 21

5.1.2大学生查询 23

5.2大学生用户模块设计 24

5.2.1大学生用户登录 24

5.2.2大学生用户注册 25

5.2.3大学生后台管理 26

5.3企业用户模块设计 29

5.3.1企业用户登录与注册页面 29

5.3.2企业用户后台管理 30

5.4管理员后台管理模块设计 31

5.4.1管理员登录页面 31

5.4.2系统用户管理页面 31

5.4.3信息类管理页面 32

5.4.4系统管理页面 32

6 系统测试 33

6.1系统测试意义 33

6.2功能测试 33

6.3可用性测试 33

6.4测试结果分析 34

7 结论 34

参考文献 35

致 谢 36




Abstract:At present, college graduates in China are facing tremendous employment pressure. Graduates from various colleges and universities across the country are unemployed, and graduates are found to be unable to find themselves in certain areas, specific occupations, and specific pay. Satisfactory work. Specifically, it is difficult for urban employment, institutional employment and high-paying employment. If the employment problem of undergraduates is not properly solved, it will inevitably result in the waste of human resources, negatively affecting the mainstream values of society, and not conducive to the long-term development of society. In view of this phenomenon, building a platform for college students' innovation and entrepreneurship guidance is a common responsibility of universities, society, and the government. Therefore, college students' innovation and entrepreneurship are valued and encouraged by the country. The willingness of college students to innovate and entrepreneurship is the endogenous driving force for college students to choose their entrepreneurship in the future. It plays a decisive role in whether college students choose to start their own businesses in the future. Therefore, it is very important to develop a platform for college students' innovation and entrepreneurship guidance based on JSP technology to solve the problem of college students' employment pressure. Domestic and foreign scholars have studied the issue of college students' innovation and entrepreneurship very well. Therefore, with the increasingly prominent employment problem of university graduates in China, the design of the innovation and entrepreneurship network guidance platform has provided college students with a life choice direction and become a new type of employment for university graduates. opportunity. The JSP-based college students' innovation and entrepreneurship guidance platform realizes the management user management, enterprise user management, and administrator management of college students. The tripartite users jointly obtain the required computer information management websites.

Keywords: innovation and entrepreneurship; JSP technology;MYSQL; guidance platform

1 绪论

1.1 系统的现状




1.2 本课题的研究意义



  1. 有利于缓解大学生的就业压力,增加就业岗位。
  2. 有利于大学生自我价值的实现,将自己的兴趣与职业相结合。
  3. 有利于培养大学生创新创业能力。
  4. 有利于弘扬创新创业、不怕吃苦的精神。

2 系统主要开发工具



JSP 全称是 Java Server Pages,即 Java 服务器页面,它的代码风格类似于在 HTML 中嵌入 Java 语言,并加上其特有的 JSP 标签。它将前端和后台开发人员的工作集中在了 JSP 页面中,前端人员在 JSP 文件里利用 HTML 进行页面的设计和修改,后台开发的程序员在 JSP 中加入相应的逻辑实现。值得一提的是,JSP 文件最终会被自动翻译成 Java 代码,无需传统开发时必须的代码整合,这极大的方便了项目的开发。

由于 JSP 包含 HTML 和 Java 两种语言,这使得它在功能类似于 HTML,可以显示和获取数据。性能上则继承了 Java 优秀的跨平台能力,方便了各类平台开发者的使用。



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