
 2022-01-17 11:01


目 录

I. 绪论 1

1.1 研究背景及意义 1

1.2 图像检索的概述 2

1.3 国内外研究现状 2

1.3.1 图像检索的国内外研究现状 3

1.3.2 感知哈希的国内外研究现状 4

1.4 研究内容及章节架构 4

1.4.1 本文研究内容 4

1.4.2 本文的章节架构 5

II. 图像检索的基本理论及其相关技术 6

2.1 图像检索的基本框架 6

2.2 图像检索的评价标准 7

2.3 感知哈希的基本概念 7

2.4 本章小结 9

III. 基于感知哈希的图像检索算法 10

3.1 图像检索系统设计 10

3.2 图像局部特征提取 10

3.3 基于BOF的全局特征向量 14

3.3.1 词袋模型 14

3.3.2 K-means聚类方法 15

3.4 特征哈希 16

3.5 本章小结 16

IV. 基于MATLAB的系统实现 17

4.1 系统实现 17

4.2 检索精度 20

V. 总结与展望 25

5.1 论文总结 25

5.2 未来展望 25

参考文献 25

致谢 26




Abstract:With the popularity of the Internet, information technology, upgrading of social media week and image capture device, and now the emergence of a large amount of image information on the Internet, we become an integral part of everyday life. Image information can be more vividly visual information to the public, to help you build a more vivid way of thinking will help us to learn and think. Therefore, the image information has become our understanding, learning a big help.

The current image retrieval according to the principle, is based on the text and content based image retrieval, both which generally includes three aspects: first, according to the image retrieval needs analysis, establish index; second, using the algorithm of image feature point extraction, establish the index of the image database; finally, according to the similarity algorithm will be retrieved images and index database records the size of the similarity, according to a particular algorithm results as a result of the output. In the algorithm research. First of all, the SIFT image feature points and the descriptor computation; then use the K-means clustering method of the feature points is trained to generate the type of heart; is then generated for each image of the bag of words (bow); then the bow of each image was calculated mean values and compares the hash values are generated; finally, calculate the similarity of the results obtained with the Hamming distance. In this study, we refer to the surf algorithm and K-means clustering method, based on BOF the global feature vector, the Hamming distance and so on.

Through the research of this paper, we propose and plan to implement an algorithm that can enable us to perform image retrieval function efficiently in our daily life. However, there are still a lot of unknowns to explore, improve and study, considering the performance of the image retrieval system. I hope I can devote more time to understand and study the image retrieval in the future.

Key Words: Internet; Perceptual Hashing; Image retrieval; SURF algorithm; BOF model set





如今,Web 3.0已渗透到人们的生活之中。互联网技术的日新月异,各种社交网站及APP已经彻底改变了人们对生活的一种认知方式。由于图像具有直观、形象的特点,人们开始用图片记录自己的生活,并利用社交平台在互联网分享自己的动态。据社交搜索引擎Statista的数据分析表明(如图1-1所示[1]),自2010年起,Facebook上分享的图像超过了7000亿张;截止到10年,flickr这个网站上的图像已突破了50亿张,并仍以10亿/每年的数量递增(如图1-1);而Twitter分享的图像的增长率达到了421%,仅12月用户进行上传分享的图片就多达5840万张。

图1-1 Statista研究数据展示





图1-2 基于内容的图像检索的一般框图



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