
 2022-01-17 11:01


目 录

一、绪论 1

1.1课题研究背景和意义 1

1.2人脸识别技术的发展历史和研究现状 1

1.2.1人脸识别技术的发展历史 1

1.2.2人脸识别技术的研究现状 2

1.3考勤管理系统的现状及趋势 2

1.4 仓库管理系统的现状及趋势 2

二、人脸识别技术的基本理论 3

2.1 人脸识别技术的原理 3

2.2 图像预处理 4

2.2.1 图像灰度化处理 5

2.2.2 图像直方图均衡化处理 7

2.2.3 形态学滤波器腐蚀和膨胀图像 8

2.3 人脸识别的方法 11

2.3.1 基于隐马尔科夫(HMM)的人脸识别方法 11

2.3.2 基于Haar特征的人脸识别方法 12

2.3.3 基于AdaBoost分类方法 14

2.3.4 基于类中心的欧氏距离法分类 16

2.3.5 基于PCA的人脸识别方法 16

三、仓库考勤管理系统的需求分析 18

3.1 系统概述 18

3.2 系统需求分析 19

3.2.1 安全性需求分析 19

3.2.2 记录报表需求分析 19

四、仓库管理系统的设计与测试 19

4.1 管理系统的设计 19

4.2 数据库设计 20

4.3 OpenCV 21

4.4 系统功能的演示 21

4.4.1 注册功能演示 21

4.4.2 人脸识别演示 24

4.4.3 考勤记录模块演示 26

五、结束语 27

参考文献 29

致谢 30



, China

Abstract:In today's fast development of face recognition technology, face recognition technology is more and more applied in the field of information security. This kind of technology is of great help to warehouse management. With this management system, managers can know clearly the working conditions of the staff, adjust the management in time, and enhance the efficiency of warehouse management.Because some warehouses store some dangerous goods or valuables, the use of face recognition technology to manage warehouse can improve the security of warehouse management, because each person's face has its own unique features. But in some warehouses it will be restricted to the surrounding environment by the effects of storage items, such as the lack of light, so the warehouse management system can overcome these restrictions for face recognition. The warehouse management system designed in this paper uses Microsoft SQL Server2008 to store data, and C language is used to design the database. The warehouse management system designed in this paper is mainly divided into: face recognition module and employee information recording module, attendance module export module. The warehouse management system designed in this paper is mainly divided into: face recognition module and employee information recording module, attendance module export module. The main work of this article is to analyze the difficulties encountered in the warehouse management, and what kind of difficulties and limitations should be used in the application of face recognition technology in the warehouse.

Key words:face recognition;attendance management system;PCA


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