
 2022-01-17 11:01


目 录

1 绪论 4

1.1研究背景与意义 4

1.2 国内外研究现状 4

1.3 论文的主要内容 5

2 主成分分析 5

2.1 主成分分析简介与具体实践 5

2.1.1 主成分分析简介 5

2.1.2主成分分析具体实践 5

2.2 主成分分析原理 6

2.2.1 有损压缩 6

2.2.2 去相关原理 8

2.3 主成分分析基本步骤 9

3 数据归一化 10

4 深度信念网络 10

4.1 深度学习简介 10

4.2 受限玻尔兹曼机 11

4.3 深度信念网络 12

4.4 DBN特征降维基本步骤 13

4.4.1 预训练 13

4.4.2 全局微调 14

5 结果与分析 15

5.1 主成分分析结果 15

5.2 主成分分析优缺点 15

5.3 深度信念网络训练测试结果 16

5.4深度信念网络影响因素 16

5.4.1 累计贡献率的影响 16

5.4.2 样本数量的影响 17

5.4.3训练集与测试集比例的影响 17

6 总结与展望 18

6.1 总结 18

6.2 展望 18

参考文献 20

致谢 21




Abstract: It is estimated that there are almost 500,000 species of plants in the world. The identification and classification of plant species has been a problem since ancient times and often leads to repeated classifications. Therefore, the automatic identification of plant species by means of computers can not only save workload. And can improve accuracy. In this paper, the algorithm is designed to accurately identify 99 species of plants using the leaf binary map and leaf features that have been extracted (including shapes, edges, and textures). The main steps are to use matlab to do the pretreatment of principal components analysis of the leaf binary image and perform factor assessment to improve the computational efficiency. Then the deep belief network of deep learning is used for training tests. Finally, the results are analyzed according to the cumulative contribution rate. to sum up. It is hoped that the leaf image recognition technology based on digital image processing can be applied to various aspects of plant species such as trace protection and drug research.

Key words:Matlab; principal component analysis; depth belief network; contribution rate

1 绪论



对植物的分类是十分有利并且十分有必要的,近年来由于城市化和工业化的发展,环境污染十分严重,也导致了大量植物数量的减少甚至灭绝。如果我们能利用计算机通过对树叶的识别来实现对植物物种数量的追踪,就能在第一时间对受到威胁的植物加以保护。因为生 长环境、生长周期和基因突变的影响,同一类型的植物形态差异十分明显有时甚至截然不同,因此如何排除一切外在干扰因素实现植物的自动识别一直是机器学习领域一个很有挑战性的难题。



1.2 国内外研究现状


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