
 2021-12-28 08:12


摘 要




The research on Employment under the new economic normality

– take the Internet Development and Employment of finance as an example


Now in a new period of reform and opening-up, China's economy is in the midst of the shift, structural adjustment and growth prophase stimulus digestion period of three states will overlap, economic development has entered the new normal. New normal exist only in the economic field, not just more exist in the employment field, can be called new normal employment. New normal economic and population of the new normal "stack", employment situation is very serious. In the new normal, new changes have taken place in China's employment situation, job losses, labor market competition intensifies, unemployment increased risk, labor quality and upgrade of industrial structure does not match. Under the new normal, and the third industry and innovative industry faces unprecedented development opportunities, the Internet financial industry for nearly two years the rise of innovation, relying on the development of Internet technology and the enterprise own innovative thinking, in this round of China's economic transition plays an indispensable role in the process, become the important engine of economic development.

Paper in contrast to understand economic old norm and, on the basis of the new normal, qualitative analysis is the employment of the new changes of the situation,qualitative quantitative analysis of the Internet for stimulating employment role in the development of financial industry, finally put forward some suggestion of the employment problem in the new normal.


Keywords: The new economic normality;Internet banking;Obtain employment


经济新常态下的就业问题研究 I

——以互联网金融的发展与就业为例 I

摘 要 I

Abstract II

第1章 绪论 3

1.1研究背景与意义 3

1.1.1经济旧常态与经济新常态 3

1.1.2就业新常态 3

1.2相关文献综述 4

1.2.1解读经济新常态 4

1.2.2经济新常态对就业增长的影响 5

1.2.3正确认识当前就业矛盾 5

1.2.4新常态下的互联网金融 6

1.3论文的研究工作 7

1.3.1论文基本内容 7

1.3.2研究思路与方法 7

第2章 经济新常态下的互联网金融与就业 8

2.1新常态下就业形势的新变化 8

2.1.1经济增速换挡,新增就业岗位减少 8

2.1.2经济结构调整,结构性失业增加 8

2.1.3经济增长动力切换,劳动力市场竞争加剧 10

2.2新常态下,互联网金融已成为重要的经济引擎 10

2.2.1互联网及相关行业对国民经济贡献强劲增长 11

2.2.2中概股的市值在GDP中比例明显上升 12

2.2.3高工资水平增加就业吸引力 13

2.3互联网金融行业带动就业效果明显 13

第3章 政策与建议 17

3.1政策建议 17

3.1.1依托移动互联网是新常态下促进就业的主要渠道 17

3.1.2制定“互联网 ”行动计划 17

3.1.3引入民间投资 18

3.1.4实施好大学生创业引领计划,支持到新兴产业创业 18

3.1.5完善互联网发展法律法规环境 18

第4章 结论与展望 19

参考文献 20

致谢 21

第1章 绪论


自改革开放以来,中国的经济以及人口的结构都在不断地变化着,慢慢地,中国的经济形势就形成了现在大家普遍相传的 “新常态”。自2012年以来,中国经济告别过去30余年的两位数高增长,增速开始放缓,但波幅收窄。这既是受到西方金融危机和世界经济衰退的影响,也是中国经济发展方式转变之必然结果,更是规模效应与发展规模使然。研究经济新常态下就业的一些新特点、新变化,有助于我们未雨绸缪,及早预防,促进我们经济社会健康、稳定、持续发展。




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