
 2021-12-28 08:12


摘 要






A Research on the Financial Evaluation of

2014G97 Endowment Real Estate Project

05211218 Xin Zhong

Adviser: Wei-Wei Wu


In the operation and development of the market economy, the financial evaluation is of great significance. Financial analysis is both premise financial forecast and a way to summarize past business activities. From the sight of managers, they can analyze the performance of the company through the key words of financial analysis, such as the solvency ability, operation capacity, profitability and cash flow, which can improves the level of management. And they can also understand the untapped human resources and other resources and find the reason of inefficiency, thus making the company steps on the right way to its maximum value with the help of financial analysis. From the sight of investors, they can further forecast the potential regains and the level of risks with the solvency ability and profitability showed in the financial analysis, and thus making a right decisions.

Based on the original information of 2014G97 Apartment for the Elderly project, this paper can be divided into the following three parts.

Firstly, this paper gives an overview of the report and the concerning project and show a summary of the overall methods and theories which will be used and quoted in the following deeper study.

Secondly, this paper carries out the financial evaluation and analysis based on the analysis of the adequate market research data as well as the scientific and rational project positioning. By acquiring a large number of documents as the second-hand information of the macro-economic and political background of the concerning project, and using the method of questionnaire as well as depth interviews, which completes the first-hand information to form the underlying data of 2014G97 Apartment for the Elderly project’s financial evaluation. After that, based on the results of the market research combined with the positioning design of 2014G97 Apartment for the Elderly project and enterprise financial situation, it calculates the estimation of the financial evaluation and determines the progress of project development plans, investment and financing plans, and the preparation of the statement of financial evaluation from the developer's point of view to compile statement of financial evaluation of the financial net present value net annual value, payback period, the profit rate of investment and programs between incremental internal rate of return necessary economic indicators, which is preferably determined building programs, and gives an uncertainty and risk analysis assessment.

In the last part, this paper concludes a short essay about the evaluation of the risk of Endowment Real Estate development.

Keywords: 2014G97 Endowment Real Estate Project; Market Research; Financial Evaluation.


摘要 1

Abstract 2

第一部分 毕业设计过程描述 1

第1篇 绪论 1

1选题背景与意义 1

1.1 选题背景 1

1.2 选题意义 1

2工作流程 2

2.1 传统财务评价流程 2

2.2 银城G97地块养老项目财务评价工作流程 2

3工作概述 3

4财务分析技术路线 4

5进度计划安排 6

第2篇 相关理论和方法研究 7

1财务评价概述 7

1.1财务评价概念 7

1.2 财务评价目的 7

1.3财务评价基本前提 7

2房地产开发项目财务评价程序 8

2.1 房地产开发项目财务评价依据 8

2.2 房地产开发项目财务评价步骤 8

3房地产项目财务评价中不确定性和风险分析方法 9

3.1 房地产项目财务评价不确定性分析方法 9

3.1.1 盈亏平衡分析 9

3.1.2 敏感性分析 10

第二部分 毕业设计成果 10

第3篇 老年公寓2014G97地块项目市场调研 10

1市场调研 10

1.1 宏观经济环境分析 10

1.2 南京经济环境分析 11

1.3 相关养老政策 11

1.3.1 全国性养老政策现状 11

1.3.2 南京市房地产政策现状 12

1.4 南京市房地产发展现状与走势 13

1.4.1 土地市场概述 13

1.4.2 土地市场供应分析 13

1.4.3 南京市房地产销量及商品房销售价格 13

1.5 房地产市场发展趋势总结 14

1.6 南京市及栖霞区养老地产项目情况 14

1.6.1 南京市养老地产项目情况 14

1.6.2 栖霞区养老地产项目情况 15

1.6.3 竞争楼盘分析 16

1.7 区域消费群体购买行为与影响因素调研分析 23

1.7.1 消费者研究分析概述 23

1.7.2 问卷的发放与回收情况说明 23

1.7.3 养老住宅需求群体的细分 24

1.7.4 老年群体客户调研分析 24

1.7.5 不同类别需求群体特征的综合描述 26

第4篇 老年公寓2014G97地块项目财务评价报告 27

1 项目基本情况 27

1.1 项目概述 27

1.2 项目主要经济技术指标 27

1.2.1时间类参数 27

1.2.2投资相关参数 28

1.2.3收益相关参数 28

1.2.4评价标准参数 28

1.3财务评价思路 29

2 项目建设规划和进度安排 29

2.1 项目建设规划 29

2.1.1项目的档次定位 29

2.1.2规划控制要求 29

2.1.3配套设施 30

2.1.4项目的开发规模 31

2.1.5建筑外立面装饰 33

2.2 项目进度安排 34

2.2.1 WBS 分解 34

2.2.2进度安排甘特图 34

3 投资估算及资金筹措计划 36


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