
 2021-12-25 03:12


摘 要


目前主要的智能手机操作系统有三个,分别是Android、iOS和Windows Phone,其中Android是用户量最大的操作系统,而且因为其开放性,基于安卓系统的移动应用开发较为容易实现。鉴于现有的校园信息服务类的移动应用虽然数量很多但是具备LBS功能的移动应用却几乎没有的现状,本课题将采用嵌入式移动 GIS 开发平台,开发一款基于LBS的校园信息服务类安卓操作系统移动应用,填补这一领域的空白。



"『Location』intelligent campus" Mobile Application Design and Development


With the improvement of science and technology and people's living standard, mobile intelligent device especially smartphones become highly popular digital products. Because of its convenient, smart features, cause people to the mobile intelligent device dependent more and more is also high, many jobs which need through the computer to finish before, now people tend to choose through mobile smart devices such as smartphone or tablet to implementation, although there are not necessarily the perfect degree of the function and on the computer, but the mobile intelligent device of portability is enough to make it up. This has prompted a lot of mobile applications in recent years a blowout, all aspects of life all kinds of mobile application. Including the application of information on campus class is also common occurance, many colleges and universities will have at least one such applications. Although such application quantity many, but most similar function, basically all is by the campus information, life peripheral modules, such as function of LBS campus application few and far between.

At present there are three major smartphone operating system, Android, iOS and Windows Phone, Android is one of the biggest users of the operating system, but also because of its openness, based on the Android mobile application development is relatively easy to implement. In view of the existing campus information service class mobile application even though many have LBS function of the status quo of mobile applications has almost no embedded mobile GIS development platform is adopted in this project, develop a campus information service based on LBS class android mobile application, fill the blank of this field.

The application can be through the activity location information, the original re-engineering activities information released in time dimension, through smart phones and other mobile terminal transmits to the user, let the campus users can find and deal with information more fast and efficient, moreover, combining with the school "JiaoJing unity, the industry", navigation and display the school, let outside users and new students can know more about the school.

Keywords:Android development; Palm Campus; Embedded mobile GIS. LBS technology


摘要 I

Abstract II

目录 III

第一章 绪论 1

1.1 课题背景和研究意义 1

1.1.1 课题背景 1

1.1.2 研究意义 2

1.2 智能手机操作系统与Android 3

1.2.1 智能手机三大操作系统 3

1.2.2 Android及其系统架构 4

1.3 移动GIS与LBS技术 5

1.3.1 嵌入式移动GIS技术 5

1.3.2 LBS技术 6

1.4 技术思路与论文组织 6

1.4.1 技术思路 6

1.4.2 论文组织 7

第二章 移动应用程序设计 9

2.1 应用程序总体设计 9

2.1.1 设计原则与需求分析 9

2.1.2 关键技术 10

2.2 总体结构 11

2.3 应用程序功能模块设计 12

2.3.1 基本功能模块 12

2.3.2 校园简介 13

2.3.3 校园信息 13

2.3.4 校园餐饮 14

2.3.5 模拟新生入学 14

2.4 数据库设计 14

2.4.1 数据库总体设计 14

2.4.2 数据表 15

2.5 界面设计 15

2.6 本章小结 17

第三章 移动应用程序开发实现 19

3.1 开发环境及数据准备 19

3.2 开发环境搭建 19

3.2.1 搭建Android开发环境 19

3.2.2 配置MapGIS Mobile 9开发平台 24

3.3 功能模块实现 25

3.3.1 登录模块 26

3.3.2 系统主窗体 26

3.3.3 位置显示 26

3.3.4 密码设定 26

3.4 成果展示 26

3.5 本章小结 32

第四章 移动应用评价与展望 33

4.1 移动应用测试与评价 33

4.1.1 AVD平台测试 33

4.1.2 外置Android设备平台测试 33

4.2 结语与展望 34

4.2.1 结语 34

4.2.2 展望 34

参考文献 37

致谢 39

  1. 绪论
    1. 课题背景和研究意义


      1. 课题背景


相比于早期的功能手机,智能手机具备以下五大优势:⑴具备无线接入互联网的能力;⑵具有PDA(Personal Digital Assistant,掌上电脑)的功能;⑶运行速度快;⑷人性化;⑸功能强大。正是因为智能手机的这五大优势,致使完善的智能手机从出现伊始就受到众多人的关注,虽然售价相对于功能机普遍较高,但丝毫不影响消费者的购买热情,在2013年最后一个季度,智能手机的销量首次超过功能机,并且还在不断增加。智能手机市场的繁荣,离不开整个生态链高速发展的支持,同时智能手机的不断迭代更新也促进了整个生态链的进一步发展,这其中很重要的一个角色就是移动应用程序。


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