
 2021-12-22 09:12


摘 要








Design and manufacture of control part for the second generation of two-wheeled self-balancing vehicle

02011305 Rui Song

Supervised by Min Dai

Abstract: As science and technology and people's living standards continue to improve,modern transportation is developing towards the trend of intelligent, small, energy saving and environmental protection. Convenient means of transport becomes more and more important in the fast pace of social life. Two-wheeled self-balancing electric vehicle as a new vehicle has many advantages, such as small footprint, flexible movement, simple structure, easy to operate. It can be applied to many areas of modern society. In this paper, the design of mechanical structure, control circuit and program algorithm are improved basing on the first generation two-wheeled self-balancing vehicle.

Following work is being discussed in the paper:

First, the paper summarizes the research status of the two-wheeled self-balancing vehicle at home and abroad and existing problems.

Second, according to new control system, the paper designs a new mechanical structure and select the motor, wheel, handle and other components.

Then, a modular control circuit is installed. The paper introduces the master chip STM32F103ZE, the sensor circuit and driver module in detail.

Finally, according to the dynamic balance principle, the software of the control system is designed. We use the Kalman filter to process the information picked by MPU6050, and then we make the PID to adjust the PWM duty rate to control the motor, so as to achieve self-balancing.

In conclusion, the second generation of two-wheeled self-balancing vehicle has better stability, speed performance, and driving performance.

Key words: self-balancing; STM32; MPU6050; PID control


1、绪论 1

1.1课题背景与研究意义 1

1.2双轮自平衡车研究现状 1

1.2.1双轮自平衡车国外研究现状 1

1.2.2双轮自平衡车国内研究现状 3

1.3典型双轮自平衡车相关比较 4

1.4双轮自平衡车存在的问题 5

1.5本课题研究的主要内容 5

1.6本章小结 5

2、双轮自平衡车系统总体设计 6

2.1双轮自平衡车动态平衡原理 6

2.2双轮自平衡车的数学模型 7

2.3 新老两代自平衡车比较 8

2.4双轮自平衡车总体设计方案 8

2.4.1机械结构设计 8

2.4.2硬件系统设计 9

2.4.3程序算法设计 9

3、双轮自平衡车机械结构设计 11

3.1车体结构设计 11

3.1.1车体框架设计 11

3.1.2上下层板设计 12

3.2动力系统设计 15

3.2.1电机选型 15

3.2.2电机固定 15

3.2.3车轮 16

3.3其他辅助部分 17

3.4本章小结 17

4、双轮自平衡车硬件电路设计 18

4.1硬件电路基本原理 18

4.2 MCU模块 18

4.3传感器模块 19

4.4电机驱动模块 20

4.5电源模块 21

4.6本章小结 22

5、双轮自平衡车软件系统设计 23

5.1 RealView MDK 23

5.2卡尔曼滤波 24

5.3 PID控制与参数整定 24

5.3.1PID控制基本原理 24

5.3.2两闭环PID控制算法 25

5.3.3 PID参数调节经验 26

5.4成果展示 26

6、总结与展望 29

6.1总结 29

6.2展望 29

致 谢 30

参考文献: 31







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