
 2021-12-22 09:12


摘 要

我国新规范多指标沥青路面设计方法与美国 AASHTO 2002 设计指南中的沥青路面设计方法存在许多不同。而AASHTO 2002中的设计方法和理念是比较成熟和先进的。通过将我国的新规范与美国的设计指南进行对比分析,找出两种规范的相同点与不同点,然后借鉴AASHTO 2002设计指南中的一些理念和方法,提出自己的一些建议。




关键词:我国新规范多指标沥青路面设计方法;AASHTO 2002设计指南;参数对 比分析

The Comparisons and Analysis between the New Specifications for Design of Highway Asphalt Pavement and AASHTO 2002 Design Guide


There are many differences between the new specifications for design of highway asphalt pavement and AASHTO 2002 design guide. And the design methods and the design concepts of AASHTO 2002 design guide are more mature and advanced. We’ll find the similarities and the differences between the specifications and the design guide by making a comparison between them. Then borrow some concepts and methods from the AASHTO 2002 design guide and put forward some suggestions for our new national specifications.

Firstly in this paper, we compare various parameters and performance models between our new national specifications and the design guide. The following parameters should be included in the comparisons between the two specifications: traffic, climate, material and the performance prediction model. Then find the similarities and the differences between the new specifications and the design guide

In order to clearly show the actual design process of the specifications and the design guide, we will also design some examples in this paper. After obtaining traffic parameters, climate parameters and material parameters, we’ll develop a combination of pavement structure and take these data into performance prediction models. And then check if the combination of pavement structure and material composition meet the requirements. If satisfied, the composition can be regarded as a variable option. And if not, we should develop a new composition or combination. Then make economic analysis between various options and identify a composition with good economic rationality.

In the end, I will put forward some suggestions for our new national specifications based on the results of the comparisons of parameters and performance prediction models between the two specifications.

KEY WORDS: the new specifications for design of highway asphalt pavement; AASHTO 2002 design guide; the comparisons and analysis of the parameters.


中文摘要 I


第一章 绪论 1

1.1 设计背景及意义 1

1.2 设计内容介绍 2

第二章 交通参数对比分析 4

2.1 交通参数分层次输入 4

2.2 交通荷载参数 5

2.3 双向年平均日货车交通量 5

2.4 交通量年平均增长率 6

2.5 方向系数 7

2.6 车道系数 8

2.7 车辆类型分布系数 9

2.8 轴载谱 13

2.9 月修正系数及小时货车分布系数 16

2.10 常规交通输入参数 17

2.11 输入参数的处理 19

2.12 实例设计过程 22

第三章 气候参数对比分析 28

3.1 湿度影响对比分析 28

3.2 温度影响对比分析 30

3.3实例设计 32

第四章 材料参数对比分析 33

4.1 沥青混凝土模量对比 34

4.2 实例设计 37

第五章 性能预测模型对比分析 41

5.1 路面响应模型及设计指标对比分析 41

5.2 疲劳开裂模型对比分析 42

5.3 永久变形(车辙)模型对比分析 46

5.4 平整度预测对比分析 49

5.5 低温开裂模型对比分析 50

5.6 实例设计 52

第六章 实例设计对比分析 56

第七章 结论与建议 62

参考文献 67

致谢 68


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