
 2021-12-21 09:12


摘 要




关键词:结构设计 钢筋混凝土 框架结构

Structure Design of Ganyu High School Dormitory Building

Name: Zhang Zhennan Student ID: 05111308

Supervisor: Prof. Zhang Zhiqiang


The graduation project presents the structure design of Ganyu High School dormitory building. The main structure consists of 5 floors and each floor is 3.6 meters high. Thus, the total height of the main structure is 18.0 meters with a stair half standing out. The total construction area is about 6050 m2.

This graduation project follows the standard structure design procedure. First, by comparing different structural systems, the most suitable concrete frame structure was chosen to be used in this project. After that the building structure was analyzed to produce a detailed design scheme, which includes structure layout, design of floors, internal force calculations, combination of internal force, design of stairs, design of bases and comparison between manual calculation results and software computation results.

The internal forces are caused by 4 kinds of loads including vertical dead load, vertical live load, wind load and earthquake effect. Different loads cases exists due to different situations. Based on the most critical case, the structure member was designed. Once a unit of frame was completed, the slab stairs including its step slabs, platform beams and platform slabs was be designed. Single foundation was used to support the columns. Moreover, it is necessary to design foundation beams to prevent uneven base settlement. PKPM software was used to analyze the structure with check by manual calculation. Any difference was discussed based on the error assesement. According to the calculated result, relevant structure construction drawings were plotted by using AutoCAD.

Keyword: Structure design; Reinforced concrete; Frame structure

目 录

第一部分 设计资料 1

1.1 工程概况 1

1.1.1 工程名称 1

1.1.2 建设地点 1

1.1.3 建设单位 1

1.2 建筑设计资料 1

1.3 基本数据 1

1.3.1 抗震要求 1

1.3.2 气象条件 2

1.3.3 岩土勘察报告 2

第二部分 结构方案选型及结构布置 2

2.1 结构方案对比选型 2

2.2 结构布置 2

2.3 构件截面尺寸估算 3

2.3.1 梁截面 3

2.3.2 框架柱 3

2.3.2 板厚度 4

第三部分 荷载标准值计算 4

3.1 恒载计算 4

3.1.1 屋面荷载 4

3.1.2 楼面荷载 4

3.1.3 梁自重 5

3.1.4 柱自重 5

3.1.5 墙自重 5

3.2活载计算 5

3.2.1 屋面及楼面活荷载 5

3.2.2 屋面雪荷载 6

3.2.3 风荷载 6

第四部分 楼盖设计 7

4.1 设计资料 7

4.2 楼盖设计 7

4.2.1 双向板内力计算 7

4.2.2 单向板内力计算 12

4.2.3 板配筋计算 12

4.3 次梁计算 15

4.3.1 CL1 15

4.3.2 CL2 16

4.3.3 CL3 18

4.3.4 CL4 20

4.3.5 CL5 21

4.3.6 CL6 23

4.4 纵向框架传给柱的集中力近似计算 26

4.4.1 KL3 26

4.4.2 KL1 26

第五部分 框架内力计算 27

5.1 计算简图 27

5.2 计算榀荷载计算 28

5.2.1 恒载计算 28

5.2.2 活载计算 29

5.3 竖向荷载作用下的框架内力计算 31

5.3.1 恒载作用 31

5.3.2 活载作用 37

5.4 横向荷载作用下的框架内力计算 43

5.4.1 风荷载 43

5.4.2 地震作用 44

第六部分 内力组合 49

6.1 框架梁内力组合 49

6.2 框架柱内力组合 57

第七部分 截面设计 62

7.1 框架梁截面设计 62

7.1.1 设计资料 62

7.1.2 构造要求 62

7.1.3 正截面受弯承载力验算 62

7.1.4 斜截面受剪承载力及剪压比验算 66

7.1.5 裂缝宽度验算 66

7.1.6 挠度验算 67

7.2 框架柱截面设计 68

7.2.1 设计资料 68

7.2.2 构造要求 68

7.2.3 正截面受弯承载力与轴压比验算 68

7.2.4 斜截面受剪承载力验算及剪压比验算 72

第八部分 基础设计 73

8.1 设计资料 73

8.2 基础顶部荷载效应 74

8.3 各基础设计 74

8.3.1 基础1设计 74

8.3.2 柱下独立基础计算结果汇总 75

8.3.3 基础6设计(矩形联合基础) 76

8.3.4 矩形联合基础计算结果汇总 77

8.4 基础梁设计 78

8.4.1 有墙体荷载的基础梁 78

8.4.2 无墙体荷载的基础梁 78

第九部分 楼梯设计 78

9.1 设计资料 78

9.2 梯段板设计 79

9.2.1 计算简图 79

9.2.2 荷载计算 79

9.2.3 内力计算与截面设计 79

9.3 平台板设计 79

9.3.1 荷载计算 80

9.3.2 内力计算与截面设计 80

9.4 平台梁设计 80

9.4.1 荷载计算 80

9.4.2 内力计算与截面设计 81

9.5 平台柱设计 81

第十部分 手算与PKPM电算结果比较 81

10.1 结构自振周期比较 81

10.2 层间位移对比 82

10.3 底层柱轴力设计值对比 82

10.4 框架梁配筋对比 82

致 谢 83

【参考文献】 84

【附录】 85

附录1 结构设计信息 85

附录2 周期、振型、地震力 94


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