
 2021-12-17 09:12


摘 要






WuHao 22011114

Abstract:With the development of global industrialization,vehicles gradually become people's tool for riding instead of walk. As people‘s requirements and attention of the performance parameters such as automobile safety performance,motor performance and efficiency of become more and more high,research area such as automobile test has been paid much attention to . And the computer vision is the focus of the smart automobile test application technology,this paper is to research a kind of accurate and efficient algorithm based on computer vision to acquise image information from vehicle test pavement, identify matching road pavement,and provide the of auxiliary positioning information.

Be different from past application of computer vision in intelligent vehicle research,this article does not research image segmentation algorithm to segment road area and non-road area. But look at the image recognition and image matching algorithm to extract the road characteristic information,complete the road matching decisions.

This paper matchs and recognizes vehicle test pavement based on the statistical characteristic which is combining with the morphology and colorimetry. Algorithm such as filtering, corrosion and expansion,open operation,equalization,background deduction and other preprocessing operations was carried out on the pavement image. After threshold operation,the preprocessing image calculate the Hu moment invariant feature vector,and calculate the matching degree. Also uses characteristic like gray histogram which have statistical significance. Using Earth Mover’s Distance (EMD) to do histogram similarity computation. And extract the contour feature information,and using reliability criterion decision algorithm to complete the road image recognition and matching. It has been verified by a large number of sample data,the result has good accuracy and robustness. This paper has certain extensibility and innovative for computer vision application in smart car.

KEY WORDS: Vehicle testing, computer vision, image recognition,road positioning, statistical characteristic, Hu moment, Earth Mover’s Distance (EMD)


第一章 绪 论 - 1 -

1.1研究背景及意义 - 1 -

1.1.1课题研究背景 - 1 -

1.1.2课题研究意义 - 1 -

1.2 国内外研究现状 - 2 -

1.3 论文组织结构 - 3 -

1.4技术路线 - 4 -

第二章 路面识别定位相关图像预处理算法 - 5 -

2.1 平滑处理算法 - 5 -

2.1.1 邻域平均滤波器 - 6 -

2.1.2 中值滤波器 - 6 -

2.1.3 高斯滤波器 - 6 -

2.2 背景减除算法 - 7 -

2.2.1 膨胀与腐蚀 - 8 -

2.2.2 背景构建与减除 - 9 -

2.3 阈值分割与开运算 - 9 -

2.3.1 单一阈值分割 - 10 -

2.3.2 自适应阈值分割 - 11 -

2.3.3 开运算 - 12 -

第三章 轮廓特征提取与轮廓匹配算法 - 14 -

3.1 轮廓特征提取 - 14 -

3.2 轮廓匹配算法 - 16 -

3.2.1 矩的基本概念 - 16 -

3.2.2 Hu矩与Hu矩匹配 - 17 -

第四章 灰度特征提取与直方图匹配 - 20 -

4.1 灰度特征提取 - 20 -

4.2 直方图匹配度量策略 - 22 -

4.2.1 基本的匹配度量标准 - 22 -

4.2.2 陆地移动距离 - 23 -

第五章 路面定位算法与实验验证分析 - 25 -

5.1 路面定位算法模块分析 - 25 -

5.2 实验环境及定位结果分析 - 26 -

5.2.1 实验环境介绍 - 27 -

5.2.2 定位结果与分析 - 27 -

5.2.3 准确性分析 - 29 -

5.2.4 鲁棒性分析 - 30 -

5.3 本章小结 - 30 -

第六章 结论与建议 - 31 -

6.1结论 - 31 -

6.2 建议 - 31 -

参考文献(References) - 33 -

致 谢 - 34 -

第一章 绪 论



随着全球工业化与现代化的发展,汽车逐渐成为人们出行代步的主要交通工具之一。依据各大汽车制造商公布的自车企成立至今的累计产量数据,通用汽车以5亿辆遥遥领先,福特、丰田、大众和日产也都达到了亿辆水平。同时日益增多的汽车在方便人们的同时也带来了一系列的社会问题和环境问题。人们对于车辆的安全性能、机动性能、动力效率等方面的要求和关注不断增多,以此为背景,将多种先进技术应用到汽车上,进而提高运输效率,减轻驾驶员劳动负荷,降低交通事故发生率的思想应运而生。在这样的大背景下产生了一门多学科交叉的新兴学科——智能车辆系统IVS(Intelligent Vehicle System)。


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