
 2021-12-17 09:12


摘 要








Because of its merits of high carrying capacity ,upstanding plasticity and toughness, construction concenience ,better economic effect and better foundation adaptability, the concrete-filled steel tube(CFST) arch bridges is one of the bridge structures that have broad prospects for development .The development history of the concrete-filled steel tube arch bridge is more than ten years in our country, we are all surprised to its application range or increase in span .Opposite and speech our country build the arch bridge technique of the steel pipe concrete have already attained international advanced level, our country to the theory of the steel pipe concrete arch bridge the research also obtained an equal result.

This design according to the specification requirements to design a half-through concrete arch bridge. Half-through concrete arch bridge, beautiful and stress is reasonable, but the bridge design parameters, the parameters are related to design work, brings difficulties.

First,starting preliminary design, namely the elaboration of the selected programs bridge the specific size and the relevant parameters. The main arch rib of arch axis is catenary. Arch axis coefficient is 1.3. The main hole span is 160m. The main span of rise span ratio is 1/5. The rise of arch is 32m.Ultimately to the Arch Bridge is the main section size, are in accordance with the norms and relevant reference materials to develop.

The second step to carry out structural terms, this is the most crucial modeling, the final calculation is correct, largely depends on the model built in is correct. The design of the "MIDAS CIVIL" software, will be built into a good model of software and computing model parameters assign a good model unit. Add a binding declaration on the model established after the completion of phase into the calculation. Calculate the impact of using software can calculate the internal structure of the control section.

After the completion of the work, they will have to carry out structural checked, the arch bridge the most important thing is to be checked Arch Arch section of ultimate bearing capacity and stability.

Keywords: concrete filled tubular arch bridge; half-through; have thrust; structural calculations


摘要 ...Ⅰ


第一章 前言 1

1.1钢管混凝土拱桥概述 1

1.2国内外钢管混凝土拱桥的研究现状 1

1.3钢管混凝土拱桥的优缺点 2

1.3.1跨越能力大、适应能力强 2

1.3.2承载能力大,施工快捷 2

1.3.3地基适应能力强 2

1.3.4造型优美 2

1.3.5有较成熟的施工技术作支撑 2

1.3.6总体布置 3

1.4钢管混凝土拱的展望 3

1.4.1大跨 3

1.4.2宽桥面 3

1.4.3造型美观 4

1.5总结 4

第二章 方案论述 5

2.1 设计说明 5

2.1.1设计依据 5

2.2工程地质条件与评价 5

2.2.1 地形地貌 5

2.2.2 地基土的构成及工程特性 5

2.2.3水文地质条件 5

2.2.4不良地质现象及地质灾害 6

2.2.5工程地质评价 6

2.3主要技术标准 6

2.4设计参考 7

2.5桥梁结构设计方案比选 7

2.5.1比选原则 7

2.5.2 桥梁设计原则 7

2.5.3 方案比选 7

2.6 结构初步设计 11

2.6.1 结构总体布置拟定 11

2.6.2 截面尺寸拟定 15

第三章 全桥结构分析 21

3.1 计算基本资料 22

3.1.1计算采用程序 22

3.1.2荷载内力组合 22

3.1.3结构所用材料说明 22

3.1.4选用材料如下 23

3.2二期恒载、荷载横向分布系数的计算 24

3.3采用Midas程序进行计算 25

3.3.1材料定义 26

3.3.2建立全桥模型 26

3.3.3模型建立步骤简述 26

第四章 主桥结构验算分析 29

4.1最不利荷载工况内力应力分析 29

4.2横梁设计 34

4.2.1截面设计如下 34

4.2.2 横梁使用阶段验算 37

4.3管混凝土的强度,刚度,稳定性验算 38

4.3.1计算机验算结果 38

4.3.2手算验算 41主拱圈强度验算 41纵向稳定性验算 43横向稳定性验算 45

4.4吊杆复核 45

4.5行车道板设计 46

4.5.1结构自重及其内力 46

4.5.2汽车车辆荷载产生的内力 46

4.5.3内力组合 47

4.6二期荷载 47

4.7Midas分析的各构件组合荷载下的最大内力表 47

第五章 下部结构计算 58

5.1承台设计 58

5.2钻孔灌注桩设计 59

5.2.1设计资料 59

5.2.2荷载计算 59

5.2.3桩长的初步设计 60

5.2.4桩特性计算 61

5.2.5计算承台底面原点处的位移 62

5.2.6计算作用在每根桩顶上作用力 、 、 63

5.2.7最大冲刷线处桩身的弯距、水平力、及轴向力 63

5.2.8桩身材料截面强度验算 64

5.2.9桩顶纵向水平位移 65

5.2.10群桩基础承载力验算 65

第六章 施工组织 68

6.1下部构造 68

6.2上部构造 68

6.2.1拱肋及风撑设计 68

6.2.2吊杆设计 68

6.2.3立柱及行车道板设计 68

6.3 工程特点、难点及主要对策 69

6.3.1 工程特点 69

6.3.2 施工难点及对策措施 69

6.4 施工临时设施及场地布置 70

6.4.1施工便道 70

6.4.2生产及生活用房 70

6.4.3钢管拱肋加工场 70

6.4.4 砼构件预制场 70

6.4.5砼拌合场 71

6.4.6 施工用电 71

6.4.7现场照明 71

6.4.8 施工用水 71

6.4.9生活用水 71

6.4.10施工通讯 71

6.4.11材料来源地 71

6.4.12缆索吊机布置 71

6.4.13施工场地布置 71

6.5钢管混凝土拱桥施工 71

6.5.1下部结构施工 71

6.5.2上部结构施工方案说明 73

6.5.3桥面车道板、横梁、纵梁预制 75

6.5.4钢管拱吊装 77

6.5.5拱肋混凝土的施工 79


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